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A commission about a princess who... well.... you know! Mwahahahaha!

A PDF version is in THE VAULT 




funny, well done, but a waste of time in my opinion


wholeheartedly agree. Who wanted this? Was it a commission? He's got HB, Ali and other older projects that ppl pay for and want to actually see finished.


Thank you for your input. I hear you. Unfortunately, I have to do commissions out of necessity. I really only do them every month or 2. But that's that. If it's any consolation, there's gonna be a bunch of HB this weekend....and the weekend after that. So... good times! 😁


I think your content is awesome! Keep up the good work! 👍


spread is intersting, really intersting


Haven’t seen any HB uploads this weekend?


I imagine him pointing at a random weekend at the calendar referring to it as "this weekend". We'll see which one it is. Hopefully in this half of the year... Could be, that he meant working on HB this weekend and the one after that- he said nothing about "release" or "publish" :-/


Great, now we're back where we were last year. Release dates not kept and complete lack of communication. Can't say ppl feel respected here.


c'mom Jack ..... hb?


Yeah same bs as last year, not releasing on the release date... and lack of communitie gr8 job!


I don't think the delays are a problem at all. Especially with creative work, an exact time window is sometimes difficult to adhere to. Don't forget that an HP episode contains a lot of images, not panels, but the images in the panels. What is really only completely unnecessary and therefore annoying is the lack of communication. What's the problem, by simply informing your Patreons about delays? People pay a lot of money and it would only be appropriate to inform people regularly about progress or delays.


GreyzoR, I'm inclined to agree with you for the most part -- an exact time window is sometimes difficult to adhere to. I'm not a commercial artist or graphic designer, but I would think in any job there are always things that can happen to cause the work to take longer. That being said there are graphic designers and commercials artists who work with deadlines and for the most part keep them. Perhaps it would be best if there were an agreed upon delivery schedule of every four to five weeks for each episode with a specific date set for delivery. The only promise from Jack would be to have all pages for that particular episode posted by that delivery date. I am, however, like yourselves, wanting to see the last half of HB ep. 17 and the first few pages of ep. 18 posted before the end of the month.


well said! Jack you have to do something otherwise all the people will go .....


Jack this is a turning point: or you do what do you promise or we leave and we can also think to ask you our money back. You must have respect for your financiers.


I mean, you make 4000€ a month on patreons and you cant even communicate or hold up with your time and release promises, i mean this is literally the second month in a row you wont say a word after anouncing HB!


That being said when I would make 4k a month on patreons I would give it my all and keep in contact with my patreons, even if things arent working

Nordic Nomad

I really just want to know when we’re getting Demon Daughter again. I feel like he keeps dodging all of our questions and responses about it.