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Transformation of Ali (FOR PART 7)

  • Increase intelligence 80
  • Decrease intelligence 12
  • Increase libido 31
  • Enlarge breasts 70
  • Enlarge ass 24
  • Increase submission 6
  • Increase dominance 92
  • Grow more/longer horns 32
  • Give a random power 27
  • Change Hair 92
  • Grow random spikes on skin 34
  • Grow Penis 103
  • Harden and change skin color. 37
  • Fork and lengthen tongue 149
  • 2021-09-29
  • 789 votes
{'title': 'Transformation of Ali (FOR PART 7)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Increase intelligence ', 'votes': 80}, {'text': 'Decrease intelligence', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Increase libido ', 'votes': 31}, {'text': 'Enlarge breasts', 'votes': 70}, {'text': 'Enlarge ass', 'votes': 24}, {'text': 'Increase submission', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Increase dominance', 'votes': 92}, {'text': 'Grow more/longer horns', 'votes': 32}, {'text': 'Give a random power', 'votes': 27}, {'text': 'Change Hair', 'votes': 92}, {'text': 'Grow random spikes on skin', 'votes': 34}, {'text': 'Grow Penis', 'votes': 103}, {'text': 'Harden and change skin color.', 'votes': 37}, {'text': 'Fork and lengthen tongue', 'votes': 149}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 9, 29, 11, 34, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 789}


Vote and it happens. Sometimes I'll pick the top 2 or 3. See (PART SIX) the last sequence HERE 

NOTE: Feel free to makes suggestions for the next vote in the comments.

NOTE: In the future, if we make a choice that opposes a previous choice (IE: Intelligence) I may have it affect her in a more extreme manner, rather than just cancel each other out.

NOTE: As the polls continue, there may be more extreme change options (IE: Horns, Wings, Tentacles, FUTA)



Finally, FUTA is HERE!! WOOO!!


I think with the penis we need to wait a little and increase intelligence and dominance.


Only Question I have is, If Futa Wins, what type of Futa will Ali Become? I’ve noticed in many artworks there’s generally 3 Types; - Type 1: Dick + Pussy [The Classic Hentai Futa] - Type 2: Dick, Balls + Pussy [The Full Package Futa] - Type 3: Dick + Balls [The Basic Set Futa]


What is with Hell Beckons??


Personally kinda disappointed everyone seems to be pushing for that, but, I guess that just how things are now...

Alycia Valentine

Eh so many better options but apparently penis is the answer anymore xD


I getcha. And I've noticed. After this one, I'm going to have another "The Transformation of...." run, like this one, where it'll push it in different directions. Perhaps more submissiveness, or bimbo-ism, amongst other options. That's the idea, to keep doing these and to be different every time.


Hey Jack, when is the HH Episode coming?

Nordic Nomad

Any word on the new Demon Daughter?


Hey Jack is everything all right? We haven't heard much from you.


Yeah. Thanks. Just some sad life stuff. Be ready for a bunch of posts though. "When it rains it pours."