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Ok. So, I've been getting a lot of commission requests recently. First off thank you so so much for the interest. Now, to the point.

The commission prices are going up next month, but I wanted to give everyone here on Patreon the opportunity to get one, if they want it, before that happens. I'll do mostly anything, but NOTHING underage. We will work closely together, with frequent updates. You can have a script ready or just a general idea that needs to be brought to life. It's all good! Having reference images ready is helpful.

Message me before the end of the month (the deadline may be extended, but don't count on it.) If you get put on the list and pay half of the amount due, then you will lock in at this rate. The start time will vary though, depending on the length of the Commission List and your pace on it. I will keep you posted on the list and your position, but we can keep communicating until then, flesh out our project.

Well.... that's it!  Let's create something wonderful!  😍

PS - I will be posting a similar notice on other sites later on in the month, but Patrons will always receive priority. Cause.... you know.... YOU ROCK!




Not HB ep. 12 this month???


Yeah, when we can count with it?




Anything coming today or tomorrow? 😁