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Hey all! Just a little heads up. I did slow down just a little this first week of January, but that's not to say I'm not working and I'm getting back into the pace that you all come to expect. Here's what's coming this month.

Hell Beckons (later in the month)

Part 2 for a few things. (Demon Daughter, The Bimbo Clause, The Last Christmas, For Science Forget it)... I'll likely finish 2 or 3 of these this month, not all. Leave a comment on which you're the most excited for.

New pages for TLM and New Breed. (I know I've been promising this, but this month for sure.)

And finally a short commission I've been putting off for too long.

Thanks for your support! Luv ya!


Captain Kian

I'm most excited to see the bimbo clause


Demon daughter or for science.


But honestly, feel free to finish what you prefer.

Aaron Bakker

Bimbo Clause and Last Christmas!


Demon Daughter and The Bimbo Clause (Also Hell Beckons and New Breed)

North Lilly

Demon Daughter!


Last Christmas!


Demon daughter definitely!


Demon daughter and last Christmas for me.


Demon daughter and the last Christmas for me


That comes across a bit bitchy. But could you edit the final transformation in the last Hell Beckons? The transformation is great, don't get me wrong. But in the last transformation so much changed at once, just between two images. So far, the transformations have been very minor, but powerful! Anyway, look forward to your new releases.


last Christmas and Demon daughter


Bimbo Clause and Last Christmas (Cant wait forHell beckons!)


Demon Daughter and The Last Christmas