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Resolution Poll

  • No, keep the resolution! I love the detail! 68
  • Lower the resolution. I want faster output of pages! 15
  • Up that resolution! I want to see their nose hairs! 4
  • 2020-09-13
  • 87 votes
{'title': 'Resolution Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'No, keep the resolution! I love the detail!', 'votes': 68}, {'text': 'Lower the resolution. I want faster output of pages!', 'votes': 15}, {'text': 'Up that resolution! I want to see their nose hairs! ', 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 9, 13, 22, 28, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 87}


This is just cause I'm curious...

Some of you may notice that my renders are pretty high in resolution and detail. I guess I could speed the story up if I downgraded a bit. So what do you think?



" I want to see their nose hairs!" LOL

Marco Ferrari

maybe you could reduce the environmental details and keep those of the characters


I think I'd have to see the difference between a pristine high res photo and a downgrade as you suggest in order to give you the right answer.

Eric Woodley

I suspect you could do that by looking at older preview panels for Hell Beckons and comparing to the close up of Caitlin from one of the previews that just dropped


Yeah, that’s a good idea. I’ve thought about that. I might do that for some of the panels, but I do like interesting backgrounds too.