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Just wanted to share a little more of the game art. Here are two sketches, before and after, of our main character transforming. For those of you who have seen my previous game demo, you have a better idea what this is. Again, this is art for an up coming video game project based on The Lovely Mutation comic. 

This will be one angle, out of a few, showing our main character's first transformation. It will be animated using live2d (like the first sample video I showed). In this shot he will be blinking, talking (mouth moving, AND VOICED), then energy erupts around him, and then, in between yells and grimaces, piece by piece, he will transform into the picture below. Ultimately, this shot will be accompanied with similar shots (like chest, ass, and a wide). Remember, these are just mock ups (rough sketches).

I'll have a test for you in a little bit..... depending on interest.  




😍😍😍😍😍😍 wooow