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Hey everyone!

Thank you again for all the support as always. It's hard to believe it's coming up to a year since we entered lockdown here in the UK and it's been a very strange one.

I worked out recently that, provided I see no other friends or co-workers in the next three weeks, I will have spent 0.03% of the year in the presence of other physical human beings (a total of 14 days spread out across both the initial transition out of lockdown before the second wave, seeing my boyfriend before Christmas, and one visit from a friend in September)

Only really since December has this had a really noticeable impact on my ability to function. That was when the second wave put pay to the idea of seeing my parents for Christmas, something I'd been holding onto, and that the lack of mentally crippled me. Then I was temporarily suspended from Twitter for a totally innocuous joke that someone reported out of context. Cue a mental slide that I'm still recovering from, having been off work from stress for the last 30 days.

It's meant I've not been firing on all cylinders and as a result, am still one story behind per month. What I need is that one spark that gets me writing an entire idea out in a day, which was happening back in July and August when this initially took off.

I'm currently looking at getting some additional support in to live with me to get me back on my feet. Streaming on Twitch has allowed me to feel like I have regular and loving company and for that I'm eternally grateful. Thank you to everyone who's become a patron here having found me there. It is not, however much I wish it could be, a physical presence that can provide some structure and nearby support. So that's the next stage.

Love you all, story should be out in the next couple of days and then I'll do my best, as always, to get back to up speed and get your stories to you!

Daddy Wuffster


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