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Idiomatic expressions found in the book Vita Nostra: Subsidia ad Colloquia Latina by Stephen A. Berard.

The entirety of the book may be puchased on Amazon at this link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1093905638/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1093905638&linkCode=as2&tag=lukeranieri-20&linkId=cdea27697c07b3f00cafa4ee580fdc2c

Part 3! Audio mainly in English. Expressions in this podcast:

1. prō(h) dolor : tragically

- quod dolet / fātō dolendō : unfortunately

2. poenās/poenam dare : to pay the penalty

3. cum magnō perīculō suō : at one's own peril

4. quam prīmum : as soon as possible

5. etiam cavēs! : do be careful!

6. frustrā esse : to be deceived

7. dē viā dēcēdere : to get out of the way

8. prō cōpiā : according to one's means; as good or as well as possible considering

9. nihil nōn : everything

10. ā tergō : from behind, behind in the rear

11. nihil est : it's no use; it doesn't matter, it's no big deal

12. in tempus : temporarily

13. ex magnā parte : to a large extent

- māximā ex parte : mostly

14. parvī (pretiī) esse : to be of little value

- parvī facere/habēre/exīstimāre : to consider of little value

15. (ex) omnī parte : entirely

- in omnēs partēs : in every respect, altogether

16. multā nocte : late at night

17. verbī grātiā/causā

- exemplī grātiā

18. dextrās dare/jungere : to shake hands

19. Duōs quī sequitur leporēs neutrum capit! : It's not good to have too many irons in the fire.

20. Plūs vident oculī quam oculus : Two heads are better than one.



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