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[LA] Ecce, cari fautores patreonici, versio mea "Heri" gregis fabulosorum quattuor Britannorum qui vocantur Beatuli.  Expromere licet libellus audibilis hic adligatus.  Pellicula hodie in TuTubulo exhibebitur.

[EN] Exclusive to you, my dear patrons, the mp3 download of my cover of "Yesterday" by the Fab Four, the Beatles.  The accompanying video will go up on YouTube later today.


Ō, herī

omnēs cūrae distābant mihī

at labōrēs sunt mānsūrī

ō, ipse crēdō in hocc herī

Et statim 

nōn sum tantus vir quem nōverim

umbrae pendentēs crēscunt sēnsim 

ō dī, herī coit statim

Cūr mē rēlīquit, 

nēmō scit, nōn dīxit mī

dīxī rem prāvam  

jam cupjam uti sit herī

Ō, herī

lūdēbāmus amōre facilī

at nunc volō modo cēlārī

ō, ipse crēdō in hoc herī

Cūr mē rēlīquit, 

nēmō scit, nōn dīxit mī

dīxī rem prāvam

jam cupjam uti sit herī

Ō, herī

lūdēbāmus amōre facilī

at nunc volō modo cēlārī

ō, ipse crēdō in hoc herī



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