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Salvete, cari patrones!  Hic imponentur omnia documenta audibilia expromenda [i.e. "downloadable"] libri LINGVA LATINA PER SE ILLVSTRATA antequam hoi poloi apud Tutubulum [i.e. "YouTube"] eas audire poterunt. /

Hello, dear patrons!  Here you will be able to download all the audio files for my recordings of Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata, before anyone else gets to see the videos!

Ecce index pellicularum publicarum / Here is the playlist for the videos:


*Updated 2018-09-12 with remaining chapters' audio files! 🤠🦂



Utinam possem iterum tiro fieri, tantisque emolumentis uti ad linguam Latinam discendam! Macte Luci!


Nimis benigne, care sodalis! ☺️ Gaudeo propter paginam tuum Patraeam


Hi. Just as a reminder - I suggest a zip file to download them all in one go. Also a direct link to this post somewhere would be useful. One has to scroll down a little bit and as new posts will appear it would get more difficult to find these extremely useful files!


This is such a great collection. I can't thank you enough for creating it. You're a gift to us eager learners!💪