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Simon lay in bed, head pounding, wondering what the hell he had done last night. When he finally pried his eyes open, they were met by sunlight reflecting from thousands of tiny sparkles covering his pillow. Sparkles…glitter…Fragments returned.

“Come on…I got..hic..money…sssmy birthday. Wanna..lap dance,” Simon slurred.

“Oh sweetie, I’m not sure you want what we’ve got. Anyway, we’re off the clock, but consider this a freebie for the birthday boy!” The next thing Simon knew his head was engulfed by two warm, glitter covered breasts, muffling giggles from the surrounding girls. Simon didn't mind one bit, enjoying every moment.

Simon blinked away the sadly fading memory. “She must’ve got her damn stripper dust all over my face. I'm never gonna get this crap off,” he muttered to himself, smiling regardless. There were worse ways to end his night.

“Wow, that’s an interesting fashion statement,” his roommate, Will commented when Simon finally finished showering and came down for breakfast. “Not that I’m one to judge, but you don't really strike me as a glitter boy.” Simon silently agreed, annoyed. No matter how much he scrubbed while showering, the glitter refused to disappear completely. He'd get mostly clean, then some unseen, unknown source would resurface and spread it all over his body. His skin shimmered as he looked over his shoulder to answer.

“A stripper hugged me on my way out of the bar last night.” was all he said while he poured a bowl of cereal.

“Hah, good for you! Still, you might want to take another shower. I think that stuff is messing with you. Your nips look a little puffy and somehow, there's more glitter on you the longer I look. Not that I mind you showing some sparkly skin, of course,” he finished wiggling his eyebrows.

The guy was a shameless flirt. It didn’t bother Simon, but he held no interest in that direction, at least not usually. Strangely, Will’s comment caused a blush to rise and a twitching in Simon’s shorts. The idea of someone watching sounded oddly...enticing, but what was his roommate talking about? Then he saw. Simon’s nipples looked more than swollen, they were positively huge and he could swear they were getting bigger in front of his eyes.  Simon reached up, stupidly hoping to push the protruding points back in. Instead, a startled gasp forced it’s way out at the overwhelming sensation. His chest was sensitive, way too damn sensitive.

“Damn, breakfast and a show!” Will practically shouted. Simon felt another frisson of excitement and smiled. Maybe it would be alright...to flirt back...just a little. Will was always messing with him, time to get a little revenge. Simon turned and rested his hands on the counter, then lowered himself ever so slightly before giving his ass a little...twerk. This time Will didn’t respond, but when Simon turned his head, he saw the intensity in his roommate’s eyes and the wolfish smile that slowly formed. “Oh, it’s like that is it?“ Pulling out his wallet, Will extracted some bills and laid them on the table, challenging Simon with his ongoing stare.

Simon’s heart pounded, sending blood pumping throughout his body, most noticeably to his chest and crotch. He shifted his ass up again, then once more, the smile returning to his face. He was shocked at how much fun he was having. Simon added to the dance as he began to sway his hips back and forth in small circles. He had never done anything like this before, but with a couple of audible pops the somewhat awkward motions become more natural. He tried lowering himself even further before he rose back up, twerking his ass all the way, an ass that began to jiggle and grow heavier with every gyration. The increased mass only added to the bumping, grinding dance. Simon, lost in a near hypnotic state, barely noticed as his legs plumped and firmed, growing curvy with a layer of fat over toned muscle.

Turning around to face his obviously enamored roommate and gloat, Simon’s massively larger backside pressed against the counter,  finally breaking him out of his erotic mental fog. He stood there stunned, hands (were his hands smaller?) reaching back to confirm what the overly wide strip of cold counter-top suggested. His ass was huge and... what the hell? That stupid glitter was so thick in some places it looked like he was wearing weird clothing. It covered parts of his chest, including the ridiculous nipples. Simon rubbed at it furiously, sending great clouds of the stuff into the air, but it swirled and circled, landing on him again and again, spreading every time.

“Stop. Calm down.”

Simon obeyed, but the damage was done. His chest was covered in some kind of ludicrous glitter costume, but the bottom half was so much worse. From the waist down, Simon's hips jutted out nearly sideways, creating a wide frame to support the overripe melon of a booty he now possessed. Fat filled thighs followed from there down to svelte little calves and a pair of dainty feet.

“Good.” Will startled Simon, ending his examination. He placed another dollar on the table, eyes still holding that same intense stare. In a tone of pure command, his usually happy go lucky if flirty roommate said, “Now, dance.”

Simon had had enough. He was done with this. That's exactly what he intended to say, but he didn't. He didn't say anything. To his horror, and growing arousal, Simon obeyed.

Part 2 



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