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I know this is a bit out of the blue but let me explain.

So, my gf went back to full-time work today and despite both me and my gf working from home, we have quickly discovered looking after little Ophelia is going to need me and her to switch out from sharing the responsibility of looking after her and working. Both our jobs are quite intense so we can’t keep stopping and starting. It’s inefficient and will just lead to stress and arguments in the long run.   

We cannot afford nursery or a nanny or anything like that and because we both work, we aren’t entitled to free childcare. Due to the fact that is a good few more hours I will be away from work, I need to find the hours to make up for lost time to keep working on the main videos. The biggest deposit of hours that I can save is the BITESIZE videos. They also have a very small following and stopping them won’t have much of a negative impact so it just makes sense for me.  

I’m sorry to all the fans of the series. It was great fun and I did enjoy it and am sorry to stop but I hope you can understand why I need to use that time for the channel now. I won’t be deleting the BITESIZE YT channel so you can go back and watch the videos, I just won’t be making any new ones.



I love every video you make. Take some time off. Your worth any time it takes for the quality of what you make. I hope you have a great day