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Hey all :)

19 sketches done, 17 to go. I've also got to make the "explained" segment after but that shouldn't take too long. I'm still planning to have this video made and ready by the end of the month. This video is looking really goof so far and I think you are going to enjoy both the video but also this new "explained-sit-down" feature I would like to try and bring to the videos.

Because I believe it's relevant to keeping you in the loop, a brief bit on my personal life. After my gf raised concerns over how much I work on this channel (usually 9-12 hours a day, 7 days a week) and, as a result, how little time I am spending with her and my daughter. We mutually decided on a 7-6 workday Mon-Fri and I take weekends off to spend quality time with them.

I for one really enjoy the grind of the work and then that buzz of getting a video out but, in the long run I don't want to alienate my family so I've had to adjust how I am doing things.

This does mean I have now lost 2 work days so I am going to change up how I do the BITESIZE videos to try and claim back some of the lost time. It usually takes a whole work day (sometimes 2) to get the 3 BITESIZE videos for the week done. Seeing as I don't actually gain anything from the BITESIZE videos (in either money or exposure really), I'm going to switch from detailed drawings to more simple drawings and try and get more face-cam in them. I'll see how that goes. The BITESIZE videos are more a fun project and not a serious venture so I am not worried about them doing poorly from the changes.


On an even more personal note, the channel isn't doing too well at the moment which is why I am trying all these new things such as unknown SCPs, more When Day Breaks, switching back to Black and White, trying out this new "explained" feature to try and invigorate the channel and give it some new relevance in the SCP community.

In fact, April was the first month ever that the income from adsense was so low that Patreon made up the majority of this month's revenue. Which on the one hand shows you how the channel is doing but also shows just how awesome you all are so I thank you for all the support you all give me which means more now than ever.


So yeah, new video soon, not much longer to go and thank you all so much for your patience and continued support. :)



This is why I became a Patreon as I felt adesnes would never be a good stream for a smaller channel.