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Thanks for shangshanruoshui and weirdofromhalo to help the translation!

If you come across any problems like crash, please load 5th save file which is the auto save.
Remake the cell phone system
1.Remake the SMS system
2.Add the special time to call Asuna events
3.Add Asuna location report
4.Add the main quest guide

Remake the nightmare events, fix the problem of not supporting the simulator

Redesign the anxiety value, perverted value to be related to player’s choice.

Add short H events in the prologue
1. 6/1 morning Location: Snake Island Residence after leaving the house
2. 6/2 a.m. Location: School library
3. 6/3 p.m. Location: At the end of the corridor after school.
4. 6/5 Daytime Location Internet Cafe

Battle System
Now Asuna will not directly participate in the battle, but will assist Kirito. Kirito will also ask for Asuna's assistance. Inoda may do some minor tricks. Asuna's assistance may be prevented when Inoda is harassing.
You can basically kill the enemy in one turn during the battle, but if you eliminate the enemy too quickly, then the H-event won't happen. But remember even if Kirito is strong, he can still die for some reasons. There is no bad end, and losing a battle will lead directly to the end of the game, so be sure to pay attention.

New plots
Friday night to Saturday night, part of the content needs to be investigated to trigger.

CG Room (function not completed, not all events included)
After the completion of the CG room, it will not only include events from Kirito's perspective, but also some events from the full perspective.

1、map details optimization
2、Known Bugs Fixed
3、Part of the story modifed, like the story of Inoda and Kyoko
4、 Part of the special effects adjustment
5、 Increase the display of squad members
6、 Dialogue review function. Scroll up the mouse wheel to check.
7、the save data system optimization, increase the number of save data, the save name will now show the location and time in game.



一、 重做手機系統
1、 重做短信系統
2、 增加特殊時間可與亞絲娜通話功能
3、 增加亞絲娜地點查詢
4、 增加主線任務查詢

二、 重做噩夢事件,修復不支持模擬器的問題(大概)


四、 序章增加小型H事件

1、6.1早上 地點 出門後蛇島宅
2、6.2早上 地點 學校圖書館
3、6.3下午 地點 放學後一層走廊盡頭
4、6.5白天 地點 網吧

五、 戰鬥系統

六、 日常騷擾系統

七、 新劇情

八、 回想房(功能未完成,亦未收錄全部事件)

九、 其他
1、 0.1地圖細節優化
2、 0.1已知BUG修正
3、 0.1部分劇情微調,比如豬田搞定京子的方法
4、 部分特效調整,比如神社
5、 增加小隊成員顯示
6、 對話回看功能。操作:向上滾動鼠標滾輪。
7、 存檔系統優化,增加存檔數,存檔名會顯示該存檔的遊戲內地點及時間

And I will be busy moving next week, I need to prepare a lot, so may not be able to finish the Sunday story as I said by this weekend, I will add more contents in that, hope I could release it on Christmas



CG 這周末會看看抽不抽的出時間弄


ENGLISH(please copy the entire link, clicking doesn't work here.):

If you stuck in the morning of Wednesday, please use this save file to skip that.





Wow! Amazing list of updates, I can tell you were hard at work! Thanks for your dedication, can’t wait to play!








啊!!!我的电脑昨天才拿去弄 结果今天就更了😂



梅西 黄

作者你在这里发的亚丝娜CG是清晰的 为什么在游戏里猪田博客上是模糊的 是本来就那样还是有任务没完成

Visual novel

how come i cant see asuna pov?






Is there a way to view the harasement that inoda gives with the big boss? I had a purple mark over it. Don't know if you can remove it with less anxiety?


Wow that flew by fast. I started a playthrough from the flashback and just zoomed through. So good. Asuna will soon fall!

iTyG Acorn

Insaaaane!!! Thanks a lot for the update, can't wait for the scene with Liz and Inoda :D Great work and dont be stressed from some guys who need updates every week, the majority appreciates your work man <3


Such a good update. Cant wait to see more, but take care of yourself!


It was a great update! I think you did a lot so seriously take it easy and don't stress yourself out.




Take care of yourself!!!


thanks for giving me credit even though I've only posted one the forum! If you want, I can DM you my files!




2016年世预赛 中vs叙利亚 赛后记者对球迷的采访


bug回报:2023年12月7日12:35:14 在6.5的和利兹去武器店要是进入骑士团无法出来 咱就不能加个SKip吗?就这种情况没存的还要从头滚……你又加入了一些需要探索的元素……这还得防着被bug背刺…… bug回报:2023年12月7日13:41:18 6.5钓鱼佬的骑士团依旧是用的6.4夜晚的剧情,所以只能进不出,而且没有剧情发动了,希望修复




日常騷擾系統指的三人同行在樹妖地圖時戰鬥之外的騷擾嗎? 還是我miss掉甚麼? 謝謝這次的更新!


Honestly, absolutely fantastic update! So many changes throughout the entire game and the combat mechanics are brilliant! It is mind blowing to me that you managed to make all of this just in the past month and its not even all of it yet! Work at your own pace Fujino, maybe take some time off around christmas and relax for a bit, you really earned it.


Hey Fujino, I've been a supporter of yours for well over a year now, and I rarely ever comment on posts and stuff, just wanted to let you know that you're doing a great job with the game and there's a lot of people here that want to see you be the best you can be. I'll continue supporting as always, much love, relax, and know that you'll always have a supporter in me.

Kyle Mill

Every update makes me excited for the completed project, so dont let people get you so stressed you burn out on this game. Just because I'm excited to play it doesnt mean you need to rush it. Keep up the great work.


Good Job my man


GOD i literally cant remember anpther game where i have been more eager for the newest update, this game is so fucking amazing......... just a message to Fujino-san. No need to feel pressured at all, i read your message at the end of this update and it felt painful and bitter. you are doing your best and its getting so good, you have a big legion of fans that love your work, you can take care of your personal life and also work on the game slowly we are always waiting paitiently. you are the best creator that i have ever supported.


Great update and progress in general. To the creator, your work is fantastic and if it takes two months per update, then that is fair. Just try to keep subs in the loop on progress. Take care of yourself.









I just noticed a cool feature in the update. On 6/4 after Asuna says she needs to leave to go home because her mother told her to, if you use Notes to get her location, it says "Asuna's Home" in Blue but then says Town Center in Green. Then after leaving school it says Love Hotel in Green. Before meeting Alice it says Town Center in Green. Then after meeting Klein it says Inoda's Apartment in Green and if you call her she answers while making dinner for Inoda. So I think the story Inoda got Kyouko to call Asuna over to the Love Hotel. There Asuna saw Inoda with Kyouko and got angry. Then they went to Inoda's apartment to get answers. Inoda made her feel bad because she was ignoring him and got to start make him food again. Or maybe Asuna saw Inoda with the school prostitute in the Town Center, follow them to the Love Hotel, then went back to Town Center, then to Inoda's apartment to ask him? It is hard to tell the blog doesn't say what happened that day and I not even sure if Asuna knows about Kyouko. The "bad girl" she says is deceiving Inoda could be Kyouko or the school prostitute IMO. AMAZING feature added without noticing. Got to remember to whip out the phone regularly to always check if any details are in there. Great work Fujino!






I Very RARELY like to call something ''Best'', but this one deserves it. You did absolutely awesome work and I thank you for it. Take your time as much as you need without rush and be healthy.


it was the best whill the finale update have a lot more cg


Good update. I felt more that the work and setup were done on the dialog and story sides, which was very well done. The story's development up to this point has been intriguing. Definitely, there is a lot of potential with the future setup in terms of story and the decisions that the main characters will have to make. The CGs added for the prologue were a nice touch and of good quality, together with the CGs added to the new content, which were top-notch. If you take the number of CGs they seem quite few; however, the way you used and placed them made them feel sufficient. The part I am most excited about in the future update is the underground city in FOG. I can see how it is possible to tie up or have Habishima involved in this story arc. There is a lot of potential in terms of story content and CGs to be had in the underground town, and I can see why you wanted to take more time to set it up in the best light possible. I would love to see a bad ending involving Shion, Suguha and Alice with her colleague being corrupted and having them all working in the underground town as sex workers and also having them carry that profession in the real world similarly to how Shion does it or taking a full course in that line of work. Another idea is to have Klein betray Kirito just to have his way with all the girls, both in FOG and in the real world. The bad ending can be tied to Kirito's decisions, and maybe we'll even get to see the story from other perspectives, like Klein's or from the girls' perspective. Additionally, the ending chosen for the underground city in FOG can be used to shape the relationships that Kirito has with those characters in the rest of the game. All in all, I enjoyed the update and liked the new mechanics added.


So what you're saying is, let's ditch Inoda now? Wow, part 1 of the game was worthless lol


I never once said in my comment to ditch Inoda. I did not even mention him once. My suggestion/idea is to use the underground city in FOG as a story arc which can have it's on separate ending that is later used in the main story as point of reference in the relationship with the characters I mentioned. Inoda role should stay as is and be part of the main story. The underground city can be a separate mini story that does not necessarily need to involve Inoda as a main character. My idea can be referenced as a story in a story, I saw this being done in other games and it can work really nicely If done right.


1. there are people like me who don't like female characters being whores who have sex with multiple men. 2. before you start talking about my and your taste differences It took nearly a year of development for Inoda and Asuna to have sex just once. Making individual endings for each of the male characters would require different relationships between the current characters, different CGs to appear, etc. depending on Kirito's choices. Originally, NTR games with multiple guys have individual endings for each character, but those are usually smaller games, or ones that were designed that way from the beginning. So I think the comments or ideas you mentioned should come out as DLC in the future if they are mangled, and focus on the main story for now.


You like what you like, I have no issue with your tastes. In my reply to you I did not touch on your tastes, as I did not know them, also I only made references to my original comment based on your question. As it is obvious is just an idea/suggestion, I am in no position to influence/decide if it gets added or developed so there is no need take my idea as more than it is. For whatever reason you seem to have taken my response personally. To be frank I do not believe that engaging on a "debate" on tastes is productive in any way. I cannot argue on dev time, since I am not a dev. Yes a dlc will be nice to have, however I will not hold my breath for it. Then again is just an idea/suggestion, nothing more.


Not trying to be a party popper, but Asuna becoming an omegaslut seems to be part of what the future holds for her. The many hentai-stereotypical public spots (bathhouse, massage parlour) and especially her cleric/nun route all heavily imply she's going to have group sex. Personally, I'm very much looking forward to it. I kinda hate all those games that corrupt a heroine, but somehow she stays pure enough to stay "faithful" (lol!) to a single guy? Sounds kinda stupid to me.


Not trying to be a party popper popper but in the latest post on this Ci-en account, Fujino reconfirmed Asuna will only have Inoda as her partner. Looks like you will hate this game because Asuna won't become the town's bicycle. He also said Hebishima will stay in the game for a while in case anyone cared.


It definitely feels nonsensical that once a heroine is corrupted to only be "faithfull" to her bull and not explore other opportunities or fall for other temptations, without offering explicit reason as to why. Up to this point from what I gather Asuna did not develop feelings that will make her be faithfull to only Inoda, from what it seems she is just noticing her proclivity towards sex and having more and varied sexual experiences. I am not saying that the turbo slut behaviour is the only route possible, I just want to say that not touching on other temptations beside Inoda will need to have a plausible justification. I will say the same stays true for the other female characters.


Bathhouse, massage parlor and cleric/nun duties doesn't necessary mean they will be used with unknown people and shared bath(she wouldn't go there alone but in group because going solo kinda pointless, because they have bath's in their house)but Inoda could sneak in with his invisibility and plot. With Asunas character she wouldn't allow or fall for someone she don't know anything or never even interacted with, unless through some kind of blackmail, but where would they get any. + that's all in-game. And I personally hate those games and usually they are least popular games where heroine interacts and have sex with many men and you can't choose to focus on 1. Plot quality straight goes down, because those games can't offer anything anymore except CG's. Game fast loses it's plot and bond heroine had before it just becomes non-existent. no NTR. You lose connection to main or sub villain because there is too many and sex goes just too easy and more things that makes games where heroine become public slut bad. + that's in category Gangrape and BDSM which most people don't like.


My thoughts exactly. while at the beginning it's clear that Asuna bonded with Inoda out of pity, it's clear that after a while she stayed with him because of the sexual arousal. If on top of that you add the heavy hints from the nun/cuck pairing and that Asuna will become a nun too, the fact that Asuna won't explore her newfound sexual pleasure elsewhere is purely nonsensical to me. At least the dev could make it an extra route or something, for people who don't like group sex (which I don't get either...)? But to me, the public slut route for Asuna seems like a very obvious one.


Poor MisArmor. So delusional he still doesn't believe the dev already said Asuna won't be anyone else other than Inoda. Sad but funny he thinks the dev should make a extra route for people who don't like group sex.


Why do you have to be so passive-agressive, lol? I know being a 30 year old virgin is hard, but showing your redditor skills off on people sharing their opinion on public spaces won't solve that. Learning to read might though, so here's me explaining what I said as I would to a child: many things point towards a public slut route for Asuna, and I think it's a shame it won't be implemented. That's it. I never said I didn't believe the dev said he wasn't planning on making a public slut route for Asuna, which you would have understood if you hadn't been so limited. TLDR; Poor Kinglionheart.


You know we can all see what you wrote, right? Try changing your posts first before lying. You can fool more people then.


Is that all you have to say lmao? Unfortunately for you, not everybody is retarded enough to understand the same thing you understood from my comment. You're the only stupid fucker that from the sentence "the dev could make it an extra route or something" would think the person writing this believes this mentionned extra route is already planned. I've given your special needs enough attention now. If you want to release the pent-up frustration from your pathetic existence, you're gonna have to find someone else from now on.


Read your hypocritical denial of your own actions you just did gave me more laughter than the last update. Thank you. You are amazing!


Is it just me or is the link is no longer working?


Its working fine for me, maybe you didn't copy link entirely ?


Thank you for the long reply and all good ideas, actually I'm not consider as far as you, which really helps a lot.