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Hey everyone! I'll be opening 10 commission slots by the end of this month. 4 of them are exclusive for Gold tier and above. 

Gold tier and above patrons have a priority benefit, they can fill commission forms 3 days before than anybody else. (If any of those slots aren't taken, it'll be available for everybody. If a Patron with priority benefit misses out he/she'll have to take a slot like anybody else)

> Here are the dates: 

Priority benefit: February 22nd at 8:00pm (GMT-5) 

Slots open for everyone: February 25th at 2:00pm (GMT-5)

Commission form link: https://forms.gle/6JCk5xzxf4hbqZK9A


Zeta Scales

Will you still be working on the Starfox animation after these?


Starfox animation is right now my top priority! I opened these because many people were asking me about commissions.


Oh by the way, I'll be working on Luscious Defeat at the same rate as usual, so don't worry :)