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Hello again, everyone! Progress went smoothly last week, and the main things left to do now are to finish the gacha animation and Avalon's weight gain, then do some last minute bug fixing. While I'm still aiming to make it by the 8th, I can't say for sure if I'll hit that date so as usual expect delays. In particular, it's always hard to predict how long art will take me to complete, since I'm not the most experienced artist.

Aside from that, I have come down with a mild cold, which hopefully won't slow things down too much. I have also decided to postpone adding non-latin fonts for now. I'm sorry I know some people are looking forward to being able to translate the game, I want to be able to give that the time it needs, though.

While there won't be too much new content in this update, since it's mostly focused on adding in features like saving, I am really looking forward to finally showing the shopkeeper to you all soon! She may not be playable as of this time, but she will have much more dialogue than a regular secretary to make up for it. After this, the next build will be focused on finishing the battle system and adding in new characters. Thank you all so much for your patience!



we cannot rush the perfection


Spanish/English: It is preferable to wait for a good translation to a text only copied and pasted from Google Translator, I have already played other games that only extract what the translator says, losing all the seriousness of the text due to the meaningless or poorly placed words that usually exist. There are cases where there are jokes that are understood in English but in translation the humor is usually lost due to the difference in the play on words used. I hope that cold doesn't get worse and well, you have to know how to wait for things in their own time.