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 - Name: ???
- Role: Feeder
- Rarity: R
- Stomach Size: 3
- Size: M

 - Description:
   A vessel maid working at the same hotel as Chateau. Her primary role is to serve and entertain guests in the restaurant during their stay, though each of the maids performs this job to a certain extent. A short, blonde-haired girl with cat ears and tail, like most of her fellow maids her work uniform leaves either quite a bit or very little to be desired, depending on how you look at it. 

    Under her regulation maid collar, a chestless bikini top reveals her only nipple covering to be two, star-shaped pasties. Around her waist she wears a short maid skirt that just barely goes below her crotch and splits open at the front, revealing a crotchless bikini bottom and a heart-shaped pastie. Normally, a short apron hangs down in front of her skirt, obscuring the most important parts from view, but her standing pose will have her kindly tugging it to the side, just to better show off her design of course. Naturally, she'll also have all the other trimmings such as a headdress, stocking, high heels, etc.

    Her personality is, to put it quite simply, a pervert. She loves humans, but even more than that she LOVES other vessels. In particular, the thicker, curvier, or just plain fatter, the better. She can't get enough of watching other girls get gulped down and churned into fat, and she's more than happy to help with the process. Under certain circumstances, when sheer horniness overwhelms even basic logic, she may even be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice herself. Of course, while all vessels are worthy targets in her eyes, none can compare to her co-worker, Chateau, whose girth inspires the kind of animal lust in her that it's been known for entire shifts of them to go missing at once.

    Similar to Chateau, her gameplay will be focused around supporting and feeding her allies. This might mean buffing the VATK of nearby allies, speeding up their digestion, increasing their stun regeneration, etc. I'd like for her mechanics to also involve the weight of her allies, somehow, perhaps she can help their weight grow more quickly, too? This could lead to some good synergies if there are more units like Chateau that get buffs based on their weight or other universal mechanics that are tied to it. At the moment, though, she doesn't seem to have too much application gameplay-wise, which is why she's on the backburner.

    Speaking of fanservice-y designs... Like the Brunch Squad, I would like to keeping adding more vessels that are from the same "group" and hotel full of maids is a perfect opportunity to do so. It would be nice to have at least three or four, including Chateau, but that depends on how many vessels I'm going to be able to add to the game to begin with. Just like before, please let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions for this unit!


    I'm mostly finished with the save/load system, and so I've moved onto working on the gacha now. If you're a member of the discord, I actually streamed the development of it getting started, and most of the programming is already finished. The lion's share of the work is going to be getting in a decent animation and designing the UI for the gacha menu, though, so it's still going to take some time to get there.

    I've also decided that, for the build after this one, I'd like to change the way turns are handled to be more similar to the FE series, meaning that all allies and all enemies will act in separate phases. I think this will really improve the strategy aspect of the game, as well as fix something that are a bit annoying to play around right now.

    Aside from that, the monster girls which I mentioned before will likely start to show up some time next month. I'm still not certain if they'll be in this build, since it depends on how long it takes to finish and whether I think it will be worth it to delay the build a little bit longer to get them in. It's also possible that I release this build, then add them into the game a little later in a hotfix if things line up that way. Whatever way it plays out, though, I can't wait to show you them! Thank you so much for your support and patience again!


Virgile Lefranc

Very curious about the possible weight mechanics. It would be great if it upgrade the effect of the belly slam of chateau or else. But it would give some more deep in the game so I hope you'll find a way to implant this feature. Also dont feel pressure we'll wait has long as you need to make something that your proud of :). So no worry. Very nice work over all has usual!


Couple ideas that could be used here: Fling/Forced movement unit: Her job is to get food to her clients! Pulling from other ideas that have been suggested, can throw a unit (friend or foe) a number of spaces and over terrain. If the target is stunned or downed, can be thrown right into a unit's waiting mouth! Normal attacks could maybe even shove a unit 1 space if the next space over is vacant. If she can do it all the time, no additional clause to push the target into another unit to get them eaten instantly. But since it's easy to surround an enemy right now and then suddenly only 4 units can attack the one you ganged up on, this could potentially move them so even more of your melee units could get a swing in or land a V attack. Harassment unit: Low damage output, but high speed to contrast with Chateau. Moves an additional space compared to most vessels. May weaponize Corn's special seasoning to lower VRES and 'prepare' a meal for the hungry clients that will be following behind her. Could lean into the idea of her being fast with a skin of her being a carhop, zooming by on roller skates at a drive-in restaurant.