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So, based on the results of last week's poll, I'm going to start previewing concepts for future units sometimes, especially if I'm interested in getting feedback on them. That said, here's the first one!

- Name: ???
- Role: Predator
- Rarity: SR
- Stomach Size: 4
- Size: M

 - Description: A vessel with pale skin and long black hair, clad in a heavy, dark-colored military uniform and cap. Her outfit has been tailored for vore, maintaining a sleek and intimidating look under normal conditions but also splitting apart to not constrict her stomach when she eats others. Under her clothes, she wears a skintight black leotard covered in reflective "scales," which expands to fit her prey. At one side she carries a massive hi-tech katana, and at the other a large assault rifle, both designed specifically to take down vessels. It's likely she'll have a few cyborg parts, as well, such as a robotic eyepatch or arm.

While vessels are benevolent and will rarely commit actions that hurt humans of their own volition, they can still be used by humans with ill-intent to aid in criminal acts. In situations like that, a secret cleaner unit is dispatched to hunt down and dispose of any 'corrupted' vessels. The bulk of this unit is comprised of this woman, a cold and heartless assassin designed solely for the task of eliminating rogue vessels. They sweep in where they're needed, under the cover of night, leaving no trace of their existence as the only witnesses vanish inside them to never be seen again.

Though they weren't always so, jaded by their experiences they've come to deeply dislike and distrust human beings. In truth, they care greatly about humanity and work tirelessly each day to protect it, but witnessing the cruelty humans are capable of committing against themselves has twisted their perception of us. Perhaps though, with enough love and care, the player can show her that there's more to us than what she's seen...

Her gameplay will be centered around her katana, which will be a very powerful but risky tool to use. Slashing an enemy with it will allow her to steal stats from them, with this buff stacking additively and being appliable multiple times to the same or different enemies. However, each stack of this buff will also decrease her HP by a good amount each turn. The only way to stop this is for her to be KO'd or for her weapon to taste a kill AKA for her to digest a unit, which will clear all stacks from her and any enemies. It's possible that using the digest action will also halt this HP decay, so she doesn't just get forced to spit up her prey unavoidably through DoT.

I've been noticing that all my designs tend to be a bit cutesy and very fanservice-y, so I wanted to go in the opposite direction for this unit, creating a character as edgy as possible with absolutely no skin being revealed, even through vore or weight gain. Similarly, she'll be very cold and distrustful of the player, at least in the beginning. I think it will be really good to have some more variety in that area, so that not all characters are just instantly hot for the commander. Of course, like all the characters, you'll be able to increase your bond and eventually marry her, which will naturally lead to her becoming warmer, too.

   My first goal for the next build is to set up the save/load system. Honestly, since this is my first time making a real game, I've never built anything like this before and I'm still not certain as to what the best way to do it would be. It think this is something that is important to get right the first time to avoid problems down the line, though, so I want to make sure to give it the time it needs.

   Aside from that, I spent a good chunk of the last week designing some new monster girls for the game. I'm not too sure yet when I'll be posting their previews or if they'll make it into the next build or not, since I'll have to write the dialogue for several new characters and that usually takes me a while, but I'll make sure to keep you updated on them as work progresses! Thank you all and see you next week!



Hey, if you need a hand writing dialogue, I like to think that's one of my specialties. Let me know if you'd like the help.

Virgile Lefranc

Really great concept. A glass cannon character like her will be good with some good tanks or support to help! Excited to see what you'll think for the nex characters!