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    A mysterious woman darkens the entrance of the base, wagon filled with exotic goods in tow...

"What's that? You don't have any money!? How horrible.... Hmm... How about I strike you a deal, then? A pouch of coins for this delectable-looking girl here. Quite the bargain, no? You won't get such a good price anywhere else!"

She's disconcertingly smooth- sleazy even. Your instincts tell you not to trust her, but before you know it a whole group of vessels have vanished down her throat and you're counting out the collection of assorted coins in your hand. With a grin, she thanks you for your business, then immediately launches into the next sale, highlighting just how incredible each of her wares is. As she cleanly deprives you of what little money you just earned, she gives you a knowing look and points to her open mouth.

"Not to worry, dear customer! I've got room for plenty~ more. You shop to your heart's content, and I shall eat my fill. A wonderful deal for the both of us, don't you agree? It's quite a common practice here, I assure you! Nyohoho... "

    Just like many other gachas, VT's shop has its very own mascot, a merchant monster girl from unknown origins who sells a great variety of goods, vital to your quest. Just like many other gachas, you'll also be able to sell your units for money, except this time it will be by stuffing them down the throat of the shopkeeper directly. She'll be interactable on the shop menu, just like a secretary, with different lines depending on the context and the ability to 'sell' yourself to her, too. Be careful, though, she's not quite an ally of yours, so it's unlikely she'll be willing to let you back out once you've slid down her gullet.




Wow, it's a store. What can we buy here? Monster girls, gacha resources, or small items to help in the battle?Or maybe a special service or favor from the shopkeeper?




Well, a funny thing comes to mind, what if we feed the shopkeeper a bunch of Schrodinger? (Overflowing Pockets)


Oh I love her


Oh I’m so excited


Yesssss, we have achieved shop mascot! Purple raccoon(?) of greed!


I can't wait to be eaten by her!


One hundred percent, that is a Cheshire Cat


release date?


I'm sorry, I still don't have a release date for the next update yet. I know the time between them can get pretty long, sorry about the wait!


will she be a playable character or just a shop owner?