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EDIT: Fixed a serious bug where digestion completion/level up message would linger on screen.

Alright, here is the initial hotfix for v0.04! Sorry, there's still a ways to go for the full release, but this update should hopefully take care of a lot of the issues the original release had. In particular, massaging and modding should now both be fully functional.

Change list:
- Massage has been fully implemented.
- Modded units should now be fully functional. A guide to modding the game has also been included in the 'Mod Explanation' folder.
- Avalon's AV dialogue will now correctly play.
- Digestion inside carriers will now continue if that carrier is eaten. Carriers will now automatically begin digesting other carriers if they are too large to exit a third carrier's gut.
- Avalon will no longer lose energy while carrying an ally.
- Enemy stats in 0-2 and 0-3 have been corrected.
- Covenant's Subsume has been temporarily removed. It will be returned in v0.04b along with updates to other characters' movesets.
- Stun quote will no longer play twice. Stun quotes will be changed from KO quotes in the future.
- Willing prey should no longer struggle under any circumstances.
- Cornucopia will no longer refer to female Commander as a man.
- Chateau's Bulwark skill now functions correctly and she has been buffed overall.
- Finally added UI to tell player the debug key in sandbox mode.
- Training Date Theano's face should no longer break when she's full.
- Avalon's return dialogue has been fixed.
- Replenish button now replenishes Patra and Avalon.
- Training Date Theano's face now updates correctly after she digests you.
- Vial Toss no longer only throws flashbangs.
- Units inside carriers will no longer lose energy each turn.
- Patra's face should be fixed when a unit trips into her

To-do for full release:
- Finish making 0-4
- Finish Avalon's weight gain
- Add new attacks to each character to take advantage of new systems
- Write Avalon and Patra's bios
- Make Patra's characterization more consistent; this may be pushed till later when I have a better idea of how I want to write her


Vessel Tactics v0.04a (Beta).zip


sakun aphakorn

the Gui break on 0-3 and 0-2 img alot of thing is break it just more glicth i try to play more then 10 times i manage to complete 2 time most of the time is just break


When my round starts and I digest enemy I can't make any action beacuse animation of digestion blocks my view.


Download it again. They released another fix.


Awesome, I love the lines on avalon's belly. They say a lot. Looking forward to the way the choice of mechanics develops to gear itself to the function of a full game.


I'm curious when things like progression or save functionality are going to be added. It's a great game, just looking forward to when it has a defined "beginning."