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    The third and final member of the upcoming lamias! This breed comes from a secretive tribe of lamias said to serve as priestesses for the Demon Lord herself. In contrast to her dark nature, her personality could almost be described as soft and fluffy. She is exceedingly kind and caring to all those around her, doting on them even as they gurgle away inside her belly. No matter what honeyed words she uses, however, it must not be forgotten that she is a servant of evil. What foul machinations lie behind her mesmerizing gaze only she truly knows.

    These sorceresses worship the night, granting them mysterious powers through which they control the sleep and dreams of others. By doing no more than gifting them with sweet words and alluring fantasies, it is rumored they have manipulated entire villages into being churned inside their guts as sacrifices to their dark god. They are true elites of the Demon Lord's army and deadliest of all lamias.

    As a unit, the Dusk Lamia will once again make for a formidable foe. In addition to being just as strong as the other lamia breeds, she has dark magic that allows her to disrupt your team with status ailments from afar. Unlike her cousins, she will be more of a support unit than a frontline combatant, but even once you get her on her own she won't be easy to take down. 

    With the three planned characters announced, I'm going to try to finish and release the next build within the next week or two! Hopefully, it won't take too much longer to release. Thank you so much for supporting us, I can't wait to show off all the new characters to you properly!




Excited to see this progress, more vore enthusiasts need to see this. If it gets the support to keep going for a few years this might end up the biggest vore game ever. Bit worried about game balance from my earlier test plays (voring is super powerfull and hard to counter) but hopefully it'll work out.

keep going

This game is so much fun.I'm looking forward to it can switch to an internal perspective in the subsequent update,Cheer up for your work!

alpha 338

Will we still be able to control the ai in he next update to see how they work and figure out how to counter them?