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    Hey there! Not too much to post this week while I'm focusing on the next update, but both writing and coding are progressing smoothly for the goblins. I'm currently in the process of adding a couple new systems to the battle scene, the chief one being a proper AoE attack system that will highlight its radius under the cursor. I've also revamped the method through which I add characters to the game and consolidated and cleaned up a lot of code this update, which will make the process of adding in new units much easier in the future. Once I have everything set in place, I'll be making a new map with its own story to show off the new units and mechanics, so please look forward to that! Thank you so much for your support!



Can't wait for gobo mommy UB!


I'm also curious how the pose system is coming along.


Organizing is always good. Solid base first. Thank you for your honesty meshi.