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- Name: Laguna
- Role: Pred
- Rarity: R
- Stomach Size: 3
- Size: M

- Description:
    A vessel outfitted with flight gear, created in order to scout the Frontier. A generator embedded in her spine converts the energy she absorbs from digesting others into power for her jets, allowing her to travel long distances using nothing but organic fuel. She also wields a powerful beam cannon, specially created to take down seed-based lifeforms. With her flight and ranged capabilities, she's able to effectively harass and weaken foes from a safe distance, but overusing her abilities will quickly drain her EN and leave her as a sitting duck. To be honest, I'm not sure how I will balance flying units just yet, but they present a particular problem as it is possible they may release their prey in an area where their prey cannot move, possibly even softlocking the game. It may come down to level design to prevent scenarios like that from happening, but I'm thinking of ways that I can hopefully avoid the issue entirely, too.

    A curvy girl of average height, she always wears a cheerful expression and it seems very little can dampen her mood. Because of her permanently sunny disposition and selflessness, people have started to see her as an idol and she has gained a lot of fans. On the other hand, while not unintelligent she is incredibly dense and it is very difficult to convince her otherwise once she's made her mind up about something. Flirtation tends to slip off her like water on a duck's back, so commanders that want to woo her may have a tough road ahead of them.

     Her outfit has an aviator aesthetic, with sci-fi trimmings and special considerations made to allow her to eat others and gain weight without too much discomfort. Of particular note are her bottoms, a pair of tight shorts with the rear permanently cut out, allowing her to dive down and anally vore targets before they know what hit them. As they still cover what matter most, she seems to have no problem with these shorts and will even happily demonstrate their usefulness on unsuspecting commanders.

    While generally used for scouting, Laguna units are occasionally sent to quickly refuel troops on the front lines as well. Because of their generator, they are able to store large amounts of energy, making them a particularly hearty meal for a hungry vessel and quite popular to boot. They don't seem to mind this fate one bit and will happily walk into the jaws of a predator as long as it serves the cause of humanity.


    I know this stuff can be kind of bleh so feel free to skip this, but in the interest of full transparency I wanted to give an update on my burnout and how my break went. Leading up to it, I had a ton of anxiety that was heavily interfering with my work on the game and causing me to stagnate, and that's what ultimately led to me burning out. I don't think it was an abnormal amount of anxiety per se, this is my first big creative project and my first time having so many eyes on me, so I think a lot of it just comes with the territory and needed to be dealt with at some point. Fortunately, taking a break helped a huge amount since I was able to take a step back and put things into perspective, and I really am feeling a lot better now.

    That said, I definitely am still very stagnated, especially since I didn't have a proper routine or exercise or anything like that during my break, so that's what I'm working on fixing now. The good news is it's pretty much just physical stagnation at this point, so it should be fairly straightforward to solve. The bad news is, it took me a week to really get started again, so the next build isn't quite ready still (I am hoping to get it out later this week, though.) I guess the moral of the story this time is, if you're working on a project like this don't be afraid to take some time to reorient yourself if things aren't working out for you, it will still be there when you get back and probably save you time in the long run. Also, drink water and exercise. Sorry about spending so long on this stuff again, but thank you so much for all of your support with it and patience!


Virgile Lefranc

Man don't overthink this! We are here to support your idea and we don't have any expectation on when it willbe out. Take the time you need to be mentally and physically in shape ! I'm still glad to see that you still have a lot of mechanics and style of character in your sleeve! I'm excited to see more ! Take care and don't forget that nobody can take better care of you than you! ;)

Kevin Lüer

I'm looking forward to the next expansion of your game. You've created a good game and I'm very excited to see how your game continues.