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A sketch preview of the BAD END miniseries! 

This time, Miruko is investigating an underground facility which is presumed to house a bunch of Nomus. Although she manages to get the upper-hand due to her formidable speed, she lets her guard down, and is caught by surprise as another Nomu knocks her out!

Strapped to a machine, the villains who is responsible for the production of the Nomus used this as a bait to catch any potential heroes. Depending on their use, they either dispose of them or use them for their nefarious motives. Miruko is strapped to a machine and a collar is attached to inhibit her quirk, finding her at their mercy. 

Back at their headquarter, Miruko is controlled by the collar and forced to the henchmen's biddings. However, they do not find her fit for mobility and tie her body, humiliating her in the process. Finding herself in a hopeless situation, she can only wait for someone to rescue her or she'll remain a tool for the villains. 

Final comic will be available for $7 pledgers!

$10 pledgers can suggest a follow-up page!




I’ll throw my cents into this. Follow up maybe could be after all sexy torment she goes through, she ends up being bought by a anonymous buyer (male/female) and she is wrapped tightly in latex, blindfolded and has a dildo panel gag as her silencer. And of course, she has the vibrators set to max to keep her “entertained” during the trip. You see her in all her glory in display as she is fixing to be shipped to her new owner!


I'd like to see her getting put into "storage" at the end of a day serving just so she can repeat the process again. Perhaps a latex vacbed while still in her bondage underneath it.

Maxi Weber

Do you make extra payed costum content too? You can write me a direct massage if you want