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Hello guys! Sorry for the lack of activity, first I'd like to wish you all a belated new year, and I got some news to tell you. I have been talking to my boss and I've decided to fill in my resignation and will start working with Patreon fulltime by June! This is good news, because that means I can finally do what I've always wanted to for a long time, to start fresh over and focus more on the world of Bagel, Soda, Pom Pom and Paprika! Hopefully, many of you guys will remain here by that time, but I hope we get to see it through together, since it has always been my dream to develop the character of Bagel! So I appreciate all your support and hope I'll be able to start with the long-awaited comic soon!

With that said, the Mona pic is actually done, but I like to finish all the variants first before posting it on Patreon. When that's done, I shall start working on the Nino pic and eventually get back to finishing the Helltaker pic! 

That's it for updates, stay tune for tomorrow!



Congrats on finally reaching that goal! I’m sure it’s an awesome feeling! Can’t wait to see all the great work with that wonderful roster of OCs you have!


Woohoo! I’m happy for you Bagel :)


Congratulations on becoming full-time. You shall have my support. It's a huge step and I hope the best for you.


That's awesome!!! So glad you've been able to get one step closer to what you've always wanted! Cant wait for more, as you always make high quality content! Keep up the good work!


Nice can't wait for the comic


😤 Let's go Bagel !


That's awesome news!!! Congrats to you for following your dreams and doing something you'll love. You've built an awesome community and we're here to support you through it all!!


That's wonderful news! I can't wait to see what you have in store for us in the future.


Congrats! Looking forward to seeing more of your OC’s!


That’s so awesome! Congrats!!!


So happy for you! I'm glad you feel secure in your ability to do that. It's a big step and a big change, so I'm really happy that you're so motivated.

Iriga Avo

This means you’re not a teacher anymore? If it’s not personal, is there a reason you quit aside from wanting to do Patreon full time? I can’t wait for the Helltaker piece.


Maintaining two jobs are exhausting and it has caused my activity to decrease severely. At start, I'd publish 5 pieces per month, whereas I post 3 pieces per month due to my other work. Furthermore, it is stressful, absolutely energy-draining and it just isn't worth the money for the hours you have to endure.

Iriga Avo

That makes sense, I should’ve actually figured that. Take care.


Congrats!! Best of luck!!


Wow, while I just joined very recently so this is news to me, I am surprised that you put out so much good content while working two jobs! Big respects for that!


Congrats and good luck on this new chapter in life! Excited to see what you have in store for the future! Hopefully this can also help lower the stress in your life! ❤️

Su Yazzi

Congrats, and glad you can simplify things!


That's super good to hear. Glad you can finally do what you've wanted to all this time!


Awesome, can’t wait to see any comics you make, the mini one’s you’ve made so far are amazing and I can’t wait to see what you make next


Congratulations Bagel, one can only be happy for you. Everything should be more relaxed for you. You know how to bring anticipation into the new year. Your works and comics are great. I wonder if Bagel's teaching job and the fact that she likes to tie girls up in lockers is somehow connected...🤔 I'm just kidding.😜


Congratulations, Bagel! I'm happy that you were able to reach this milestone. :) Looking forward to the comic, when it comes around!


Happy New Year! Its great that your dream realisation enters new stage!

Jack Z

Congrats on starting the new year by taking another step closer to what you’ve been wanting to do, I can’t wait to see what’s coming up in the future :3


Happy New Year! It's such a good news! Can't wait to see your comic