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Hey guys! I hope you're all doing well!
I would like to welcome everyone who pledged these couple of days, your support means a lot!
Here's some updates on what you can expect this month:
[Bonus pic]: Modeus x Azazel [Having acquired new knowledge on BDSM, Modeus experiments on Azazel]
[Poll winner #2]: Cerebrus x3
[Bonus Pic #2]: TBD
[Bondage game 3]: Bagel/Pom Pom
[Theme pic]: TBD

Now for some important information!

  • After having a conversation with a pledger, I've come to the decision that I need to change the Poll system; I've noticed that many $7+ pledgers are feeling disappointed that their favourite characters aren't gaining any votes despite of them being suggested for the poll several times. I believe that everyone should be on equal footing, and therefore, I'm gonna customize the poll system so that it becomes balanced. The Helltaker poll was my first attempt at making such poll.
  • I am limiting the fanart poll to ONE character per franchise. For example, if more than one character from the Fire Emblem or Fate-series is suggested, I will only choose one character from each respective series to be included in the next poll. This will help shorten the poll list and helps bring attention to other characters.
  • The second idea we discussed was the idea of opening up a new "premium" tier, which allows the pledger to request a sketch/line/base of a fictional character. However, this tier will be limited to three people.

What do you guys think of this? If you have any advice you would like to share, I would love hear your input!


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