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Bagel here, suffering from conjuctivitis! While I'm trying to recover, let's get on with a new poll!

This time we're talking about popular MILFS! Now, I'm not talking about mommy characters, so keep that in mind! We all love older women, but we also got plenty of iconic milfs! So let's get the show on the road!

Rules and guidelines:

  • You can suggest ONE character

  • Only ONE character per franchise; If two characters of the same series appear, I will pick the one that was first mentioned.

  • If a character has won a previous, they're not elligible for a whole year.

  • The series that character is from has a cool down of four months.

  • Lolis, mechas and overly complicated character designs are excluded.

  • Popularity bias can influence the poll, leaving lesser popular characters at the mercy of popular ones. For that reason, I might decide whether to include that character in the poll or not depending on its frequency in previous polls

  • I'm a bit picky with western cartoon characters due to the style differences; I am allowed to make reservations if I feel that the style can not be properly adapted.

10 of these character will randomly be chosen!

Suggest your character in the comment section!



Cursed suggestion, but Mrs. Graves from the Coffin of Andy & LeyLey