The Babysitting Job from Hell: Wip Set #1 (Patreon)
2024-05-13 19-09-18.mp4 -
2024-05-14 03-28-14.mp4 -
2024-05-13 19-16-16.mp4
Hello everyone!
Been a really stressful and busy month so far in my IRL job. So I haven't had the time to do what I want with this animation. But as the month goes on I am starting to get more and more time to get things done. So for right now, please accept what I have been able to get done.
The plan is to get the animation by the end of the month, which I should be able to do easily! So don't worry, the next WIP set won't be as barren.
Also, I am about to do get started with the first main scene with the OC and the Sister, give me suggestions for cosplay you'd like to see in the animation between the two. In the WIP you'll see them dressed as Raven and Starfire. But I'd appreciate more combinations!
Thanks and see you next time!
PS: Brought back the MILF from the first Tobi animation as the mother of the Sisters. Was a suggestion from a Patron and it sounded like a good idea to give more of the OCs roles in my stories instead of letting them disappear forever.