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A quick look inside one of the new haze machines we have on the show. These have a stunningly fast 5 second heat-up time and use a glycerol based concentrate to create controllable levels of haze on demand.



Quick tour of a new Haze Base haze machine

Haze Base make haze machines that are widely used in the professional event industry to create a continuous flow of haze to enhance lighting effects. The haze is water and glycerol based, with a very long history of safe use in public areas. The principle of these machines is that they have a continuous low airflow through a large bore diameter heater coil. A solenoid pump pulses small quantities of glycerol/glycol based fluid into the airflow, creating bubbles of fluid that are then atomised as they pass through the heater coil. The resultant stream of fog is then diluted by a controllable blower to create a continuous haze for enhancing lighting effects. This new unit is very different from the previous units in many ways:- It uses a cluster of small motorised air pumps in place of the classic aquarium type. A directly current heated coiled pipe (possibly stainless steel) instead of a central resistive heating core with the pipe spiralled around it. The low mass heater boasts a 5-second heat-up time. Two standard computer style fans instead of the older AC snail blower. Air intake at the back instead of the side (which is much better for our application.) A pair of individually controlled stepper driven louvres. A new and highly concentrated vegan compatible glycerol haze liquid. A new touch screen interface. Universal voltage. Power in/out. Network in/out. We've just got these to test on our rig alongside the existing 8 older units. I'm intrigued to see how they compare.


Paul Hill

That's one hell of a vape!

Mike Page

That's an interesting choice of heating element impedance: 4.6V / 80A == 58 milliohms. I wonder if it's stainless steel, which has a lowish tempco?

John Riney

Oh heck, for a second I thought the foam-wrapped air pumps were bigger versions of the incredibly crusty ni-cd batteries I extracted from a Sinclair microvision...


Stainless seems to get used for heating elements quite a lot. We used to use low voltage stainless tape around commercial freezer doors.

Robert Morley

What model is it sir ?


The new Haze Base FAB. We've already sent one back due to an ongoing intermittent touchscreen issue with rogue input, making it hard to change settings and keeping it awake when powered down, until the battery pack runs flat.