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[An earlier copy of this file was uploaded with some sync issues. But time (me) heals all wounds, and it is FIXED. -t]

THE HEAT IS ON for the Space Cram team. Have they met their match, or can they straight up hoopin their way out of this one?? Take a deep breath and remember, there's no actual rule that says you have to breathe, like at all.

THIS is Space Cram. THESE are Reasonable Hoop Dreams. THAT is our promise to you, fulfilled.

These episodes of Space Cram were edited and designed by MIchael Wolf.

Music from Epidemic Sounds

Except for the incredible CRAM DANIEL THEME from NIGHT YORB

This Space Cram adventure was powered by TOURNAMENT ARC from BISCUIT FUND GAMES.



2am space cram?? sign me up


I’ve never clicked on anything faster


Never cared about sport as much as I have for these two, glorious hours.

Ellis Winter

Ive never been interested in basketball, until now


the scream i scrumpt when the notification popped up 🫢


Let's Cram!

Jake the Cake

Cram Slam Thank you Mam

The Seasonal Goblin

Stunning strike being a breaking of ankles 👌 tastes good flavor!


Omg yay!! Never thought id enjoy basketball this much but here we are ♡♡♡ GETEM CRAM!!

Miriam Maina

Now that is how you save the world... nay, the UNIVERSE! 😎

Tiffany C

That was delightfully absurd and completely wild in the best way.


Lol that title drop tho 😆😆😆 nice one aabriya


Seems like some of the effects are out of sync?


Brennan using semantics to get a "natural 20" 🤣 so perfect and beautiful.

Queerly Victorian

No, but the lore implications of that title drop have reeling about a Space Cram one-shot that takes place in Umora 🤣🤣


There’s an audio layer that’s out of sync in some places!

Hayden Robert

A lot of the echo/reverb effects for the vocals seem to play a couple minutes before the actual lines

Trevor Fingler

"You're a ding dang ghost" Brennan is my spirit animal

AJ Mackenzie

The amount of chaos from this story alone has driven me insane and I'll happily go through it all again to relive it! 😂

Joshua Dolphin

Brennan being flabbergasted at the crowd celebrating the compound rib fracture death absolutely destroyed me "The gym WHAT? Wh-What does the gym do?"

Timothy Clark

I desperately need a plushie of newt Cram covered in hot dog blood now.

Bill Posters

lou wilson's commitment to a bit is truly second to none

Prophet Legacy

I don’t think the audio is off… I think we’re hearing into the future

Evan Ackley

Audio’s definitely a little out of sync this episode, but the amount of chaos happening is so incredible

Christie Joesbury

Brennan has broken the space time continuum of this game system.


music was fitting so well it was almost hilarious

Katie Lemelin

Heyo, can anyone help me figure out the order to listen to WWW? I started with the children's adventure, but it seems like there are more episodes of it after the main story? Any suggestions?

Christie Joesbury

The ending reminds me of the The First Slam Dunk movie where they are celebrating while a kid is walking around with a spinal cord injury and won't leave 😂

Elly Wade

I don’t know if the competing audio is intentional (it is sports after all ha ha) but I’m having to skip a lot of this, which is a shame! I’ll wait for the transcript or hopefully a fix 🤞


Love this, absolutely the best side series

Bean Marie

Amazing experience of myself pulling up the wiki for Julianna Margulies and suddenly Brennan starting reading it out loud too

Leo Burn'd

The main campaign is publically available, i.e. on Spotify, Apple Podcasts etc.

Just a Fox

Jumping into the comments here just to say I WAS TAUGHT EURYTMI FOR 4 YEARS AT A WALDORF SCHOOL.

Just a Fox

Either that, or, as Terkerrian commented, we are hearing into the future. Which, honestly, tracks for this chaos One-shot.

Katie Lemelin

Right, but should I listen to the second half of the children's adventure before or after the main story?

Sebastian S

Almost died because I decided to listen to this while eating. Fully worth it though.


"We'll see you next time for more Space Cram!" PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

Rachel Pederson

y’all are brilliant and brilliantly chaotic and i love it so much

Reilly Tefel

God, me too. I thought I was a goner at the crowd erupting into celebration.

Joshua Ruberg

Astounding. Also... does the dimension/world-travelling nature of this trio mean we *might* get a Cram Daniels cameo in the main campaign?

Lilith Evenstar

This whole thing is madness and I love it.

Jacob B.

This comes at a good time! My friend at work got laid off and now I gotta drown out my woes with unhinged behavior

Calic Tolentino

I love this! (Also i think the voice effects on BLeeM are off by minutes)

Robin Childs

I tried to explain this podcast to a group of friends and by the end all of us were so deep in a giggle fit that none of us could breathe or form complete sentences.


I’m not finished yet so I don’t know if it’s an intentional like time travel thing or something but it’s wild just hearing Brennan yelling in the distance and then hearing him yell it clearly a few minutes later in the foreground

Quinn Hardie

I also noticed that, seemed a little strange and made it a little tricky to listen to both things being said at once


I'm pretty sure the sound effect track is misaligned. I don't think it's supposed to be that way.

Jordan T. Maxwell

I laughed nearly as hard this time as I did in part 1, but part 1 took me so by surprise it would be hard to replicate that experience. Also joining the chorus of folks pointing out the audio sync up issues, particularly on Brennan's incantations. I thought it might be deliberate at first, but there came a point where it was straight up talking over important dialogue to the point I couldn't comprehend it (picked it up from context clues moving forward in the scene so not something I need to revisit, but if there's a fix for future fans...IN THE FUTURE!).


Is the audio offset for everyone else? I think there was a mistake in the editing 😬

Mandii Kennedy

Like others I'm struggling a bit listening to this because of the possibly mis-synced (or intentional) audio effects in the background. Hopefully it's corrected soon or I'll wait to just read the transcript. :((

Matthew B

Aabria killed that dog! Sort of.

Chris Newport

So much 🌭 blood. 😭


Absolute madness, I loved it, come on and CLAM everybody let's CRAM


A fever dream of a time, gold stars to everyone


This is so epic!!

Rafael C

Beautiful. This is art. This slays absolute penis as one might say.

RIchard Vegas

Cry laughing for both of these so far!


This was so unhinged and I loved every second of it!

Kyle Rudy

The problem with the audio layers is a real disappointment because it spoils the gags before they happen. Here's hoping for a swift correction.

Day Sleep

It will never not be surreal to hear my own voice in a wbn podcast, let alone this one


I would sign up to another, separate patreon just to get weekly space cram. This is next level.

Matthew B

They ALL killed that dog! Except Brennan. Brennan would never do that.

Tristan Hull

Whelp, up to 3 side eyes from co-workers in the office while laughing uncontrollably to: 19+1=nat 20 and hot dog blood. Also, merch idea: a pink newt standing on a beach with a speech bubble: "1 + 19 = nat 20". I'd buy that t-shirt

Peter Crowell

Someone needs to notify the Library of Congress about this group. Everything I have head so far needs to be deemed a national treasure


Heck, I would pay weekly for yearly Space Cram. I would treat Release Day as a special holiday that over time would evolve its own rituals and traditions. Space Cram is one of the best things (full stop)

James O'Dwyer

I am just enjoying how much the team is trying to destroy the very foundation of regulation 3x3 basketball. Even the dice were in on it.

Olivia Buse

Minous (I don’t know how to spell it lol - the dad of nunya and runya) getting scared by Clam Blamielle and then running off seems at odds with him asserting himself last episode. Did I miss something, am I confusing people? Or is Clam just that scary lol (I too would probably run and cry if Erika in any form insulted me)


Truly truly what the fuck was this 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Joshua Trivett

These hoop dreams have been deemed REASONABLE!

Lauren McClendon

Love the episode, but will it be re-uploaded with the audio fixed?


All the one shots feel like a fever dream

Kevin Goodwin

If ever there was a team that needed Whitney Jammer! Tho Erika stealing Runya’s soul, Mean Girls style…that was brilliant!

Ripley Stardust Love

Truly the hardest i’ve laughed since ally beardsly was on dnd court


The funniest piece of storytelling I’ve ever experienced, more please


This is the epitomen of one of those wild fever dream children's cartoons

Liliana McMahon

I thought I could never be more delirious with laughter than I was during fantasy high sophomore year. I was wrong. I believe my brain has melted.

Melody Snow


Luke McKay

It is insane how much I laughed and how ridiculous that was and yet the somber music was so beautiful and yet I was wheezing with laughter

Isaac Roberts

I laughed so hard I switched cigarette brands

Ren Challacombe

I still cant believe brennan pulled an intrepid heroes in leviathan with “you’re dead. you’ve been dead for years”

Jennifer Sieben

I need to know about all of these different abilities because some of them seem tailor made for the players. They were used sooo well in this game and I laughed so hard!


i have listened to this three times i love it so much

kaz & eel

this is absolutely unreal and incredible as always i can’t wait for the return to the court 😩😤⛹️

Viola Helmers

Hi, I'm aware this might a dumb question, but can somebody point me to a reddit, Tunblr, ANYTHING that explains the existence of this magnificent fuckery?? I know there's lore here but I can't find it for the life of me and I MUST KNOW.


everything. everything I wanted. the whole time. put the link to the patreon on my grave man. oh my god

Evilest Teapot

I believe that Space Cram was originally created in an Instagram live on the WBN Instagram page, which can still be found on either the Instagram or I believe it may be somewhere on YouTube.

Viola Helmers

Thank you, that's extremely helpful! Especially since there's only a couple WBN Instagram live videos, I'm gonna do some sleuthing. Great name, btw.


A combined natural D20 😂😂😂😂

Zachary Schwendemann-Whitman

I keep relistening to Space Cram, and no one I know has listened to it, so my family and friends believe I just had a hallucinogenic fueled fever dream while marathoning Air Bud and Space Jam!!! Send Help!!!

Apple Slapple

41:00 the music cut off was so funny Taylor just really knows how to bring a scene together!



Aubrae C

We require more Space Cram


I laughed so much harder than I thought I would. Probably harder than any other Worlds Beyond Number content 🤣🤣🤣 Also, Brennan still said “Worlds Beyond Number” first, during The Seven.


I was struck prone in the midst of laundry. I wept with laughter. I didn't think this kind of episode of anything was possible. This is a Klein bottle of emotional geometry. Can't get over how good the score sounds, too.


Still can't believe Aabria managed to drop the title AND kill a dog before Brennan.


“A 12 year old giant dog! Who goes to this middle school!” Literally made me spit my water out 😂