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"Okay, it's down, I'm going to finish deactivating the rest of the traps."

Gesturing, I sent another doll just to be safe. This time it made it inside without a problem, so we followed.

Once inside I saw just how massive it was, the outside didn't do it justice.

Looking at the snatch bears I directed them to a set of gothic candelabra, "Take everything that isn't nailed down, then come back with a crowbar and take that too." The little kleptomaniacs saluted before getting to work.

I ordered the rest to follow me up the side stairs.

As we made our way up the tower we would occasionally run into the odd pile of coins or one of my destroyed spiders.

It only took us twenty minutes to reach the top, where true to Hermes' words there was a stone bridge connecting the two towers.

In the middle of the bride was a large circular platform around 100 feet in diameter. I could spot someone sitting on a throne in the middle wearing a set of gothic black armor. That would have to be the final boss.

Hermes appeared on my shoulder just then.

"Took you long enough. Ready?"

"Yes, now let's finish this, I don't want to miss dinner."

I took only ten dolls with me, as the area was too small for anymore. Getting closer I took a handgun from my inventory and unloaded a full clip into the helmet of the mysterious knight. I wasn't shocked when the bullets simply bounced off the armor, "Well it was worth a try."

I seemed to have gotten its attention as it stood up from its throne and casually backhanded it off the side of the arena.

"So super strength and magical armor, lovely."

As the dolls filed into the arena, I was the last one to enter, and as soon as I did, a dome barrier surrounded the stage.

I observed my opponent.

[Death Paladin LV 89

HP: 200,000/200,000

MP: 50,000/50,000

Description: A Death Paladin is a high level undead made from the combined malice of thousands of restless spirits. It is capable of ordering other undead as well as creating new ones from slain foes. It is skilled in both magical and close combat.]


Death Wail: A scream that does mental damage to anyone that hears it. Stunning opponents for a short time.

Magic Swordsmanship: Gives a bonus to attacks with swords and allows one to cast spells.

Summoning: Call forth angry wraiths that are immune to physical attacks.]

No words were said as it charged at me with surprising speed, aiming to thrust his sword into my chest.

I parried the attack using the middle of the staff before pointing one end at its chest, "Silencio." There… that should take care of the wail and maybe some spells too.

I jumped back when it swung its sword again, putting some distance between us.

It slammed its hand on the ground and 10 ghostly knights emerged from the ground.

I tried to bind them using mana strings, but the death paladin used its sword to cut them apart. My dolls rushed to my side, and I hastily cast [Magic Weapon] on their guns.

As one they unloaded their bullets on the wraths while I charged a mana bolt.

It summoned a shield to protect itself and its followers, but the bullets tore it apart like wet tissue paper.

Once itwas fully charged, I sent the sphere of volatile magic at the paladin, causing a large explosion.

[You sense danger.]

Allowing my instincts to take over, I jumped to the side just as a sword brimming with dark energy flew to where I had been.

Taking out an earth elemental shard I focused on softening the ground under the paladin but it jumped away, summoning another sword in its hand.

Checking its health, I saw that it was down by 11%.


Blocking the downward slash with my rapier I caught the fist aimed at my head, and took a step forward using the momentum to trip the paladin and straddle it.

It was down to just the two of us. My dolls and his wraths were gone, as was Hermes when he took a particularly lethal spell aimed for me. We were both nearly out of magic but that didn't matter to either of us.

It headbutted me but I was able to rip the sword from its grasp.

Momentarily shrinking my sword, I channeled magic into my fist and punched it in the face, knocking off its helmet to reveal a skeleton skull with blue fire in its eyes.

It sent a body blow with its free hand into my stomach, knocking the wind out of me but I still refused to get off.

Feeling a drain on my health I noticed it trying to use [Life Drain] on me, but it was too late as I shoved the tip of the pen in its mouth and clicked on the top, causing it to expand and pierce the skull.

It gave off one last death rattle before transforming into black smoke.

[You earned 300,000 Experience]

[Your level went up by 1.]

[You have obtained the Title: Magic Knight]

Collapsing on the ground, I took out a healing potion to replenish my health and an energy drink that would restore my stamina.

Now that the barrier had disappeared the remainder of my dolls crossed the bridge to join me. Using what little magic I had left I re-summoned Hermes.

"Oh, wow. You look like shit," the cheeky bird mocked me as I lay motionless.

Ignoring him, I picked myself up and went to check what items it had dropped.

[100 Galleons]


[Necromancers Recipe Book]

[Black Demon Soul.]

Grabbing the blueprint first I saw that it was the last piece I need to make the Enchanted Artifact Facility. Looking at the full schematics I could see a sort of resemblance to a 3D Printer.


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