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Amber fought me a little causing her some slight pain. However, again, she wasn't strong enough to fight back. So, her power was absorbed into me. When it left her, she passed out from the unwilling transfer. Catching her in my arms, I laid her back in the tube before being hit with a very angry Fall Maiden.

"HOW DARE YOU!? My magic is mine and I won't let no male use it. Especially one that forced me away from my host." A young girl's voice said through my head making me rub my head.

'Just shut up and talk with your sister. She should be in here somewhere.' I told her to make the voice go quiet before she gasped.

"He isn't a bad guy sister. Eventually, we will all be together again." I heard the Summer Maiden say to her sister.

Being annoyed, I forced Gamer's Mind on their conversation.

It was at this time my scroll started ringing. Looking at it, a message from Neo was shown.

'Hey, Cinder is on her way to my and Roman's base. She should be here soon. Just letting you know.' Neo said.

"Well, ain't that a coincidence," I said chuckling.

"What's going on?" Raven asked, trying to look over my shoulder.

"Let's just say the other half of the Fall Maiden is coming to us," I said, smirking at her.

I was about to leave before I felt a strong emotion of... fear. Looking around I wondered where it could come from. Nothing out of the ordinary could be seen. However, normally when things seem to be normal most of the time they aren't.

Calling on my magic eyes showed a faint presence of magic. I couldn't see where it led though. Like something was blocking it.

Giving up on my magic eyes I called upon my senses. My hearing expanded and my sense of smell grew. Listening to my surroundings I started hearing a faint sound of the wind. Which should be impossible when we are in a basement. Walking toward the location brought me to a dead-end of the basement. Putting my hands to the wall I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Oh, Ozpin, you really know how to hide things," I said, cocking my hand back and sending it toward the wall. It crumbled away at my force. Revealing a large empty room with one golden door in the center. Engraved on this door was a laurel surrounding two axes.

"Did Ozpin...?" Raven was about to ask.

"Hide a relic behind a wall knowing most people would overlook this simplicity. Yes. Yes, he did," I told her as I walked toward the door. "Good thing I already took the Summer Maiden powers."

Placing my hand on the door it slowly started opening causing the surrounding area to shake. Oh, I didn't think that would happen. Hopefully, everyone just thinks it was an earthquake.


Ozpin POV:

No! It can't be! I sealed that vault a long time ago. The security mechanism to cause an earthquake was put in place to let me know if someone found it. How could anyone have gotten past me?

I have a camera in the elevator which is the only entrance to the basement. It doesn't matter, I need to stop the intruder before they can get away with the relic.


Mavros POV:

I know, I had put great fear in all the relics, but it's a little upsetting that just by my appearance they emit fear. Like, do they expect me to hurt them just for fun. Prime would but I wouldn't.

Anyways, I thought the relic of choice would be something else. What made the gods decide to make it into a laurel wreath. Is it to show that humanity can be their own kings and queens? Make their own choices?

If that was the case then they wouldn't have forced Ozpin to try and unite humanity. Then again gods all seemed to enjoy watching mortals suffer.

"Are you going to take the relic?" Raven asked, looking toward me with her eyes glowing.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking. All of the relics all emit fear at sensing my presence. Makes me wonder what Prime did to make them so fearful of him." I told her, reaching my hand out to the relic.

"Showed them what it is like to suffer, but with no mercy," Raven answered, without a hint of doubt. Stopping my hand I looked at her questioningly.

"When... I unlocked your aura, you released your soul to the surrounding area. Consuming Ruby, Yang, and I. We felt so much pain for others that if you didn't come to your senses and leave... we probably would have gone insane."

I knew they had felt something when my aura was released, but to know they felt the pain and suffering of others, that could have only been those Prime tortured and absorbed, feels me with regret. "...I'm sorry," I told her, not having anything else to say.

She smiled slightly at me and shook her head. "It's fine. You told me, you were a monster before as prime, so I knew what I was feeling when it was happening. I don't blame you." she said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

Sighing, I didn't say anything else and grabbed the relic. As soon as I did, the world around me changed. I was in an empty white void. Looking around I wondered why the relic left me here.

"Why are you not showing yourself?" I said, knowing the being in the relic was watching.

"I have a vision. That I'm afraid to show you, my lord." A female voice said.

"Show yourself, now," I told her, getting angry. A blue mist started forming around the void before concentrating on one spot. It started to take the shape of a person before turning into one of Djnn's race. She was kneeling to me and not looking up. "If you're the relic of choice. You should already know that I've forgotten my past. So, what is your name?"


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