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"Okay, I would have been sad if I never got to see the sun again," Asia said with a smile. "I guess, GOD hasn't forsaken me just yet."

"I doubt that will ever happen," I told Asia, trying to reassure her.

She looked at me and I could hear her heartbeat speed up and her breath hitched and she turned around and headed to bed.

What? Did I say something wrong?

"I think she is afraid of something," Ruby whispered in my ear, making me jump a bit.

Ruby is way too sneaky and agile to be able to sneak up on me. I'll need to be on the lookout at all times now and don't get distracted.

"I think, I know why," I said, sighing.

When will she and Eri open up to me again? Shaking my head so I wouldn't grow depressed right now. I looked toward Ruby.

"Okay, we are going to set some ground rules. No sneaking up on me. Also, no feeding on anyone, besides me and Ravel if she allows it." I told her, causing her to tilt her head.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" she said, causing me to sigh.

"Just don't do it again," I said, making sure my senses stay up and she stays in my range.

"Okay," she said smiling and a small fang was showing.

"Hey, Rubes. I think we should get back to our team. They are probably wondering where we are at." Yang said, walking toward the door.

"Oh no! You're right!" Ruby yelled turning into rose petals, the door swung open and she and Yang were gone.

"So, Mavros. Since everyone else seemed to be going to bed. Can we finish up gaining the maiden powers?" Raven asked, walking over to me.

I looked toward my team who was all laying down. Eri was laying down with Asia and they were cuddling. I couldn't help, but smile.

"Fine. It shouldn't take us too long. We should be done by the time they wake up." I said opening up a Warp gate to the basement of the school. "We only have one Maiden left to find anyways. Already gotten the Summer Maiden powers. Just have transferred them to you yet."

"Let's wait until after obtaining the Fall Maiden." She said, stepping through my portal.

"Works for me," I said following her.

Coming out in front of a glass tube. A young woman could be seen sleeping inside with a scar on her face.

"So, this is the Fall Maiden?" Raven asked, examining the woman. "She is young."

"Well, she is more like a half-fall Maiden," I said, going up and grabbing a hold of the door for the tube. "Cinder Fall has a bug from Salem that steals powers. She attacked the Fall Maiden and stole the powers, but was stopped by your brother."

"He always did have the knack to step in at the last second." she sighed. "So, are you going to steal his powers and give them to me or are we doing this the old fashion way?"

Looking over at Raven her hand rested on her sword. Shaking my head with my hand on the tube still, I used my strength to pull the door open. The hinges creaked under my strength before shattering apart and the door went flying off.

The woman in the container's eyes slowly opened before she gasped in pain.

"M-Make it stop, it burns p-please." She yelled crying.

"Amber, do you wish to continue living without leaving in fear of your powers or people coming after you?" I said to the girl knowing her name.

"Please, just put me back to sleep. It hurts!" she cried.

"We aren't going to get anywhere with her in pain," Raven told me.

Biting my wrist and drawing blood. Going over to Amber, I forced her to drink my blood and slowly watched her healing. The scar vanished from her face and her tears slowly died down. Seeing the scar vanish, I pulled away, seeing my wrist slowly healing.

"Why does your blood heal others now? Does mine?" Raven asked, looking at her hand.

"I lost my immortality in return and gained a healing effect for my blood," I told her, watching Amber marvel at her recovery. "Well, I'm still immortal, but can be killed much more easily now."

"Hmmm, so you can be killed now," Raven said with an eyebrow raised, eyeing me.

"You're willing to try. Just know it will hurt you much more than me." I told her to release my Draconic Presence toward her, making her breath hitched.

"I-I was kidding," she said nervously.

Humming, I said nothing else.

"Are you good, Amber?" I asked the now healed Fall Maiden.

"Y-Yes, it no longer burns, t-thank you," Amber said, tearing up, feeling her face.

"So, back to my question. Do you want a life away from being the Fall Maiden? Not having to worry about the all-powerful witch wanting you dead." I asked.

"...If I could stop being the Fall Maiden I would, but it isn't possible." She said hopping out of the tube.

"Can you get it over with and just take it from her already?" Raven whispered to me. "You've done this with everyone, so far and don't have to be dramatic. It's getting a little annoying."

"Fine," I said to her before grabbing Amber's hand and forcing the Fall Maiden from her. In surprise, she tried jerking her hand away. My strength was much more than hers though. "Don't fight it. I'm giving you what you asked for."

Activating All for All her eyes started glowing before the power started flowing toward me. However, I made sure to leave her soul inside of her. Which is still a confusing aspect of All for One Variation. The ability shouldn't allow me to control that aspect of it. I'm not complaining though.


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