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"Who are you?" the elderly woman asked after she realised he wasn't after her. She was still standing far from him, but at least was looking in his emerald eyes. Harry tilted his head to the side, thinking of a cool superhero name which might immortalise his name in history.

Well, he was sure that not everybody will consider him a superhero since his tonight's actions will make him look like a psychopathic serial killer. But whatever! He wasn't here to earn their goodwill.

It took him just half a minute to create a name and a persona.

"Red Grim." He whispered in a soft tone and then quickly vanished. He might regret the edgy name in the future, but the current him was brimming with smugness at the creation of this great name.

The last thing he heard was her terrified scream as she saw the killer-child vanish into nothing.

Harry, or more accurately Red Grim was on a schedule. He had killed 3 men, but he still had 97 more to kill. Would he be able to find 97 more people to kill tonight or would it take more days? Who knows, he could at least try.


1 Year Later:-

Harry opened the character sheet as he sat on his bed in his room, after he had finished his regular classes along with Iris.

[Character Sheet]

[Name: Harry Potter

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 125(0%)

HP: 6250 (10 per second)

MP: 12,500 (100 per second)]

[Traits: ]



[Perks: ]

[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

[Observe] (Active)

[Peak Body] (Passive)

[Skill Create] (Active)

[Teleportation] (Active)

[Inventory] (Active)

[Increased HP regeneration] (Passive)

[Killer] (Active)

[Increased MP regeneration] (Passive)

[Skills: ]

[Ray of Light]

[Death Arrow]





[Energy Shield]

He had finally reached level 100 last night when he killed yet another group of criminals. Seriously, by now he must have killed hundreds of people to reach this level. He didn't have a clue of the total number of murders he had committed.

You could say that this year has been the year for murder for Harry. Every quest given by Isis had involved killing criminals. It had soon become boring. But what could you do? Levels are levels.

He was quite infamous in the muggle world by now. His name was already known worldwide since he had single-handedly killed so many people in just one year. His name 'The Red Grim' sparked fear or awe in people's hearts.

There have been more than a few people who approved of his actions while most of the population was horrified to see a small kid in white attire and red mask murdering people like it was going out of fashion.

There even have been debates on the most popular news channels about the mysterious psychopath 'The Red Grim'.

Harry was always amused while watching different groups of people justifying his actions or calling him an unhinged devil child. It was quite humorous that in reality he was neither a psychopath nor a righteous hero.

Whatever he had been doing was all because the game needed it. It wasn't his fault that all the quests Isis gave him had involved killing criminals. And he needed those levels desperately.

Was the life of hundreds of people worth the XP he got? Obviously, duh.

And reaching level 100 had so many advantages. Ignoring the obvious, he also gained extra 25 levels due to the reward of 5000 XP for reaching level 100.

So, now instead of level 100, he was directly level 125. And the perk of increased MP regeneration was indescribably amazing. 100 MP per second was just too good. Like really, too good.

And in the last year he had made two more skills which were useful in their own ways. And Energy Shield was an amazing and necessary skill to have.

'There is no shield which can block the Unforgivables! It is stupid to even try using the shield charm for stopping them.How cool would it be if I said 'watch me!' and then calmly stood in the path of any Unforgivables and blocked them with this shield while smirking smugly. I can imagine the awed silence.'

And the bomb skill was pretty self-explanatory. Like you know, you throw it at people, you run away in another direction, you put your fingers in your ears and enjoy the gory explosion. Simple. Normal. That's how you do it. Right?


[A glowing red energy ball which can be shot at the enemy. It deals 3000 HP damage to everybody in the ten metre radius of explosion while consuming 1000 MP from the user.]

[Energy Shield]

[A silver translucent shield which blocks every energy type(spells, light beams, lightning, etc) of attack. 200 MP/minute to use.]

He hummed as he examined his character sheet. It was a bit annoying that the game didn't give him any more perks after [Killer] when he completed his first 'killing quest' of murdering 100 criminals. He had killed so many people after that and he still got only XPs and nothing more than that. He wanted to complain so much. He would have wholeheartedly welcomed more overpowered perks.

[Trait Gained:]


[A crying baby who always whines about things he couldn't change. Decreases your charisma by half.]

'WHAT! Come on, Isis. You can't do that to me.'

[Watch me!]

'Okay, okay. I am really sorry. I didn't mean to sound ungrateful. Please remove this trait. Please, Isis. PLEASE!'

[You sure? I still think it will fit your character.]

'I am sorry.' he whined.

[Trait removed:]


[A crying baby who always whines about things he couldn't change. Decreases your charisma by half. ]

Harry sighed in relief. That was just strange. In the beginning, Isis' voice had been so monotonous like a robot, but now she was slowly gaining a personality. A nice personality. He would need to be careful not to offend her.

[Yep. You should.]


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