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Title: HP: The Magical Gamer


A 10 year old Harry Potter was sleeping soundly in his house when something extraordinary miracle happens to him.

He is Chosen to be the first gamer of his world by someone called Creator, and there are no conditions on how he should use it.

And after discovering this he decided to become the strongest one in the world.


This fanfic will be available to all tier like:

1-5: level 1,2,3,4

1-10: level 2,3,4

1-20: level 3,4

All chapters: level 4



Chapter 1

Harry Potter woke up to find a translucent blue screen hovering in front of his face. A female monotonous voice spoke up inside his head as he sat up.


[You are selected to be the first gamer in your world. Please select your race.]

[Race] : ?

Harry frowned in confusion, staring at the screen dubiously. What the hell was going on? Was he still sleeping and having some weird dream? Before he could get more confused, the content on the blue screen changed.

[Perk Gained:]

[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

[– Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows a peaceful state of mind. Grants Immunity to psychological status effects.]

[Perk Gained:]

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

[– Grants a body that allows for the user to live real life like a game.]

[Perk Gained:]

[Observe] (Active)

[– Provides information on the target.]

Suddenly, Harry felt all the confusion and nervousness leaving him as the [Gamer's mind] worked.

He quickly accepted that he now possessed a very special power called Gamer Host.

He decided to make the best of it. He was fortunate that he was selected to wield such amazing power.

'Let's see what this is about.' he thought calmly as the previous screen popped up again.

[Race] : ?

He clicked on 'Human' since that was the only option.

[Race 'Human' selected.]

[Class] : ?

There again was only one option. He clicked on 'Mage'.

[Class 'Mage' selected.

This is your character sheet. It shows all your stats and special skills. Just think about it to go on this screen.]

[Character Sheet]

[Name: Harry Potter

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 10 (0%)

HP: 500 (1 per minute)

MP: 1000 (10 per minute) ]


[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

[Observe] (Active)

Harry nodded to himself and then willed the screen to disappear. Apparently, now he was a gamer, chosen by an omnipotent being for the sake of its amusement and entertainment.

Though he was a bit suspicious about it. Was it god or something? Whatever, thinking about it won't help.

Still, he wasn't going to look in the gift horse's mouth.

He let out a small bashful smile when he realised he hadn't played many games in his life. He was quite inexperienced.

At least he knew one has to level up and finish quests in games. Right?

'What is your name? What is the purpose of this game?' he thought, hoping that the weird voice would answer him.

[My name is Isis and the purpose of this game is... nothing. The creator is just trying something new. You are free to use this system however you want.]

'Eh, okay. Thank you Isis. I should start levelling up, shouldn't I? Also, are you going to give me quests?'

[Yes, you should start becoming stronger. I will be a total waste if you just ignored it all and went back to your normal life. And yes to your second question too. I will give quests when some specific events are triggered.]

'Okay. I should get up for my usual morning run or else mum will brand me as lazy.' Harry thought to himself.


– Run 2 kilometres without any break.


– Perk [Peak Body]

It makes your body fittest and healthiest.]

Harry grinned excitedly as he received his first quest. He quickly changed into his jogging clothes and went out of his room.

He entered the living room to find his mother waiting for him.

"Good morning, mum." Harry said, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning, sweetie. Let's go." she answered with a smile, grabbing his hand and leading him out of the Potter Manor.

She was wearing her exercise clothes. A pair of pink yoga pants and a tank top.

Harry had started going out running with her since he turned 9, which was just last year. He saw how good the daily exercise made her look.

She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Maybe he was a bit biassed but whatever. She really was that beautiful.

She barely had any fat around her stomach and her body would put a model to shame. And all it took was just a little jogging for her.

It was a bit embarrassing to say it out loud but he too wanted to look good like his mother.

He used [Observe] on her.

[Name: Lily Potter

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 51

HP: 2550

MP: 5100

Affection: 100

Obedience: 10

Thoughts about you: Love, Pride]

'Wow, mum is strong and she really loves me and is proud of me.' he thought, his cheeks warming it.

It was one thing to frequently hear her say that she was proud of him and another to finally see proof of that.

He squeezed her hand happily. She gave him an amused look and squeezed his hand back.

"We will run on the regular path." she said, stopping in front of the entrance of a small forest which lay behind the manor. A well trodden path led into the forest.

The path then went deep inside the forest and curved around until it opened again on the western side of the Potter Manor. The distance was approximately 5 km long.

"Yes, mum." he agreed.

"And don't try too hard. I am already proud of you that you wake up early every morning to give me company. I don't want you to pass from exhaustion because you wanted to impress me." she smiled, ruffling his hair.

"Sure, mum." he replied, pushing her hand away from his messy hair. His bed hair was bad enough and he didn't need her help to look like Medusa.

"Let's start." she said and ran inside the forest at a sedate pace. Harry followed her and kept up with her. He hoped that jogging counted as running, otherwise his first quest was doomed to fail.

[Jogging is counted as Running, Harry. You don't need to worry.]

'Thanks, Isis.'

"Are you excited about your 10th birthday party?" Lily asked, turning her head to the side as they kept running.

"Yes. It will be good to see all of my friends again." Harry answered with a soft smile. He wanted to see Neville, Daphne, little Astoria and Tracey too.


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