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"I-I want to tell you the truth on why I left." I started sucking up my nerves.

"What do you mean?" she said, confused.

I grabbed the necklace that Mavros gave me and took it off making the illusion drop.

"M-Mom?" she said with tears in her eyes.

"Hi, Yang." I said not knowing what to say.

I saw many emotions go through her before anger showed on her face. Her eyes flashed red and she yelled at me.

"AFTER ALL THESE YEARS YOU SHOW YOURSELF! WHERE WERE YOU?" she said, filling me with sadness.

"I- '' I started before she interuptted me.

"I don't want your excuses either! Tell me the truth." she said with her eyes still red.

Taking a deep breath I told her the truth.

"I was a coward." I said.

"What were you so afraid of that you turned your back on your family?" she said with a glare.

"I made a sacrifice. To keep on living I made the choice to leave you." I told her. "If I would have stayed, a target would have been put on everyone I've loved."

"What are you talking about! Just tell me why you left." she said to me.

Getting tired of this my eyes were set ablaze with a red and blue light. Scaring Yang I started walking toward her.

"You want to know why I left. They're forces in this world you wouldn't understand. Gods walk the world with us. Immortals having a war behind our backs. A witch that controls the Grimm." I told her. "Magic that is able to set entire kingdoms ablaze."

"Tai must have told you about the fairy tales. The four maidens... the two brothers. Spoiler alert they are all true!" I yelled at her. "At the center of it all is Ozpin and Salem."

"W-What are you talking about?" Yang said scared.

"Salem is the immortal witch that controls the Grimm. Ozpin is another Immortal who has a war with her." I told her. "To think this all started because Salem didn't have the heart to let go of Ozpin on his death bed. So, she went to the gods and tricked them to bring him back to life. This didn't last when they soon found out the truth."

"I left because I was afriad of all of this. I became a maiden. A witch powerful in magic that Grimm is able to track. I left because if I would have stayed you would have been targeted." I told her.

"No, you left because you were scared." Yang told me.

"You don't know me. You don't know what I've been through. The choices I've had to make." I told her trying to get through.

"You're right. I only know the Raven, dad told me about. She was troubled and complicated, but she fought for what she believed in." Yang said to me I looked away in sadness. "You didn't let me get to know you."

"I've stared Death in the face over and over again. Every time I've spat in the face and survived because I've been strong enough to do what others won't!" I yelled at her.

"Oh, shut up. You don't know the first thing about strength. You turn your back on people. You run away when things get tough. You put others in harm's way instead of yourself." she said to me, getting on my nerves. "You may be powerful with the power of a maiden, but that doesn't make you strong."

"Who do you think you are lecturing me?!" I yelled at her. "You haven't experienced a single thing I have. The truth behind our world."

"You're right, I haven't. I've only heard about it. I can promise you this though I won't run. I'll be standing here waiting. For whatever comes my way." she said. "Even if I have to do it alone."

"Why do you think I'm back? I'm trying to make amends. To tell you I'm no longer running." I yelled at her.

" What changed!" Yang yelled at me.

"I was shown a path that wasn't open before. I know longer fear Salem . Only one person I fear." I told her.

"What was this path shown to you? Who do you fear that could rival an immortal like Salem? If everything you said was true." Yang said to me showing that some hint of her still didn't believe.

"An actual god decided to come back to our world. He gave me the choice to join him. Nothing will stop him in his pursuit to gain his powers back. So, i've decided to get on his good side. He plans on killing Salem and allowing me to get revenge on Ozpin." I told her.

"What did Ozpin do to you? That would make you hate him so much." she asked me.

"He killed Summer!" I yelled at her.

"N-No, is that why she never came back?" Yang said with tears forming in her eyes.

"Yes, if I would have stayed, maybe she wouldn't have died. So, I'm doing everything in my power and the one I serve to make sure I don't let her down again." I told her. "Ozpin will die. However, not before he feels every ounce of pain Summer felt and more."

"If he is immortal, how can he die? Your not making sense to me." Yang said still with tears in her eyes.

"Oh my god, this is annoying. Mavros is an actual god who has the power to kill Ozpin. He is the one who gave me the path back to be an actual mother to you." I told Yang to get tired of beating around the bush.

"I've seen the power Mavros has. He isn't anywhere close to having the power of a god." Yang said not to believe me.


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