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While the time limit was certainly less than described in the book, it more than made up for it with its ease of use. It also appears that I didn't need to waste time modifying an existing spell like everyone else and could just apply the raw version instead.

Next I took a look at the [Craft] skill.

Briefly I wondered why I hadn't gotten it before but decided not to dwell on it too deeply.

[Registered Blueprints: 0]


Looking through my inventory I began to take out all of the blueprints I had accumulated so far. These ranged from cars manuals to simple building plans to even full-sized skyscrapers designs. It was amazing how easy it was to get the information you wanted when you had full access to the city hall records.



"Hey there Princess, how's the petition going?" I asked as soon as I spotted the young heiress sitting alone on the snow-covered bench.

"You're late," she said coldly, her mouth in a thin line.

"I apologize, I was held up with some matters that took longer than expected?"

"I'm surprised you could get away from your entourage at all," she said mockingly.

"Ha, I'm not sure I know what you mean Princess."

"Of course, you don't," she stated sarcastically, "No one can get close to you when you're all together."

"Aww, you're jealous?" I said jokingly.

"I am not," she said with a bit more emotion that she probably meant to. "It's honestly pathetic how they follow you around like lost ducklings."

"Whatever you say, Princess, but I think that's enough banter for the moment."

"Well what did you want?" she said, sounding less angry.

"Now, now, no need to be a grouch," I told her, taking the vacant seat next to her, "I was just wondering if you happened to acquire the wand crafting book I asked for last time."

It took her a moment to remember as I saw her eyes light up in realization, "Right, I completely forgot about that."


She looked hesitant as she answered, "I did manage to get my hands on one."

"Great, how much?" I said, reaching into my hat.

"It's free of charge," she announced, causing me to stop and give her a suspicious look.


"But there's a catch," she went on.

Giving a shake of my head I chose to play her little game, "Of course there is. Well what is it?"

Putting on a sweet smile she continued, "Nothing too hard, you just have to teach me as well."

Oh. Securing more time with me and learning a valuable skill, well played Daphne.

"Why Princess, if you wanted me to spend more time with you, all you had to do was ask?" I said dramatically, causing her to swat my arm. "Ah, so barbaric, completely unbecoming of a lady."

"Take this seriously Charles," she pleaded.

"Oh, very well, I accept," I told her, sticking out my hand.

"Brilliant, I'll go collect it immediately," she said standing up.

I grabbed her hand before she could leave however, "Hold on, Princess. I was hoping we could talk a little more."

Her eyes immediately went to our hands as she swallowed thickly. "O-oh?"

Too easy. Letting go I continued, "Yes, I was wondering if you could tell me more about the magical world. Specifically, what's the situation like in other countries."

She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and sat down again, "I suppose I have time."

"Great. But don't think I came unprepared," I said, pulling out several dessert menus from my coat, "Pick anything you like, my treat."

Her eyes lit up as she saw the colorful pictures of confectionaries.

"So, what can you tell me," I asked, handing her the menus.

"Hmm, well I only know the basics as well as what my father has let slip," she said offhandedly, scanning through the list of desserts. "As you know magic is treated differently depending on the location…"


"I see, so Eastern magic ties more strongly to spirituality," I repeated back as I poured Daphne another cup of tea. In between us was an ice table I had transfigured out of snow, with a wide assortment of different desserts spread out.

She took it gratefully, "Yes, but contrary to what they preach, they have one of the strongest military forces in the magical world."

"The Three Clans," I recalled.

"The Dragon Clan, The Tiger Clan, and The Tortoise Clan. There used to be a fourth, The Phoenix Clan, but the other three banded together and wiped them out about 50 years ago," she said, pausing to take a bite of her shortcake, "But whatever alliance they made at the time must have only been temporary because they immediately started fighting among themselves soon after. Even now, they fight for territory, with each clan numbering in the thousands."

"Interesting," I commented, I'd have to pay them a visit in the future, "What can you tell me about their magical abilities? Do they use wands like we do or something else.?"

Daphne shook her head, "Wands were more of a European invention so you likely won't see it that far east. Instead they use weapons called Chi Artifacts, which are supposed to work just the same. They are more combat oriented, so I suppose that works best for them."

"What about martial arts?" I asked curiously.

She looked confused by the word, "Huh?"

"Sorry, I meant fighting style. Do they only use magic, or do they use physical attacks too?"

"Magic obviously. Though there is talk that they've been trying to combine the two for some time, with very little success."

"Do you think you can get me a few books from them?" I wondered if I would have more success with my ability.


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