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She opened her eyes and looked up at me. Her eyes got even more tears before she grabbed me tightly and cried into my chest.

"Papa, don't hate me. I didn't mean what I said. I was just upset. Please forgive me." she said in between fits.

"I'm not mad, Eri. I deserved everything you said. You could hate me with every fiber of your being and I won't ever stop loving you. I'm just glad you are okay." I told her, causing her to cry louder.

I just held her tightly while letting her cry in my arms.


Ravel POV:

I sense magic and a lot of it. It seems to be vengeful and angry. Is that Mavros? It feels like his magic from the time he fought my brother. I need to go to him, something must have happened.


Asia POV:

I was listening to Mavros and not looking into the room but being ready to run inside. I was worried. Mavros was angry and I've only ever seen mad once. When Sirzechs mentioned offering me, Eri, and Ophis up to Riser. The way he sounded now though is much worse than that.

"What's going on? Why did Mavros break that door down?" I heard someone ask me.

Turning around I saw teams RWBY and JNPR. The person who asked looked to be Yang.

"H-He is saving Eri. She was pulled into the room by some men. They didn't look to be up to any good. Calling her an animal and dragging her against her will." I told them.

"WHAT!" Blake yelled in anger. She rushed past me toward the room and gasped when she looked inside.

Everyone soon followed her but I didn't. I was told not to look inside unless I was told.

"W-What is this? He has to be a monster." I heard the white hair girl say. I think her name was Weiss.

I heard that and thought back to how he had Ravel take that vail and it killed her. He looked clearly shocked that it killed her. I was just too upset to see that. I'm not going to lie and say at that moment I didn't think the same. However, even after what we said to him, he came running when we were in trouble.

"DON'T CALL HIM THAT!" the words came out of my mouth before I realized.

"How can I not say that? Have you not seen inside this room?" she asked me.

"No, I haven't. I won't deny that it probably looks bad but for us he gets protective. The way those men acted they probably did something to provoke his anger." I said not faltering in my opinion.

"Look in this room and say the same thing." Pyrrha said.

"He told me not to look in there unless I'm called." I said not to move.

"Do you follow everything he says?" Jaune asked.

"I would say everything he has told me to do I have done. He saved me from certain death. I owe him that much." I said.

"What if he told you to kill yourself?" Blake asked.

"He has already told me I don't need to follow his orders. I wouldn't do that one because it wouldn't be from him." I told her.

"I will say he went overboard but if you look at the signs it wasn't unprovoked." Ruby said, causing Yang to agree.

They were the only ones not joining in the conversation and continued to observe the scene. Ruby was shocked at first not understanding the blood bath but being a huntress in training she has prepared herself for scenes like this. It still looked to make her sick though by the way she had her hand over her mouth.

"Even if I think Asia here is a little too trusting, I do agree with Ruby and Yang." Blake said.

"He is coming out." Ren said, drawing everyone's attention to the door.


Mavros POV:

Eri soon fell asleep in my arms and I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her. Picking her up I carried her out of the room. Seeing several people standing at the doorway looking at me in shock and fear.

Getting to the door they seemed to move out of the way quickly.

"Are you afraid of me?" I couldn't help but ask them.

"Y-Yes." Weiss stuttered answering my questions.

"As long as you treat my... family with respect and kindness. You don't have to fear me." I said to them,

"Why did you have to kill them?" Ruby asked me.

I looked down at Eri with a sad smile.

"I already lost one person close to me today. They dared to hurt another person close to me. Even tried raping her." I told them.

"I don't blame you." Blake said. "I actually think it is honorable but I doubt Ozpin will think the same."

"I'll deal with it. I'm sure he already knows." I said looking toward one of the cameras in the hallways.

They followed my eyes and saw the camera.

"If he is watching right now it makes me wonder why he hasn't shown up." Yang said.

"Probably is wondering what to do. After all, I did break a deal with him. Promised not to kill anyone coming here but that changed because of the severity of the situation." I told her.

"MAVROS, WHAT HAPPENS?" I heard a familiar voice yell catching my attention.

"I-It can't be. H-How are you alive? We thought you were dead." I heard Asia say.

"What are you talking about? I remember drinking the vial and waking up having to force myself through ash." Ravel said in confusion.

"You weren't breathing. We didn't even feel anything from you. I, no we thought I killed you." I told her to walk over to her.


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