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"I'm not going to apologize. I'm prideful at all times. I normally can control it better but when situations like someone trying to order me around happen. I get angry. If you would have tried that to me when I was at my strongest. I wouldn't even be talking to you." I told her to mention a little about [Sunshine] however, not mentioning the whole ability.

"Strongest? What does that have to do with anything? Does your Semblance make your pridefulness worse?" she asked me.

"Let's go with that." I said even though that was an understatement. It doesn't make it just worse, it might as well be apocalyptic. I've only used [Sunshine] once and the amount of pride I could feel with that moment was intoxicating.

Should probably use [Sunshine] more. However, no worthy opponent has tried to fight me that could take on [Sunshine]. Not even the four great Satans could match that power. Wonder if full-power Sirzechs could?

"Mavros, you there? You passed mine and Velvet's room." I heard Coco say bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, my bad. I was lost in thought." I said turning around. They let me into their room and I saw two people already in there who just nodded at me. I dropped the luggage that was Velvet's and Coco's in the middle of the room. I Wondered where the luggage was going to go because the room wasn't that big.

"Well, thanks again, Mavros." Velvet and Coco said to me. Also, saying their goodbyes to Eri, Ravel, and Asia.

"Let's hang out again some other time Vel." Eri said to Velvet even giving her a nickname.

"I would love to, Eri. How about at lunch tomorrow?" she asked. In which Eri nodded happily.

We left them in their room and went back to ours. Everyone all looked exhausted but couldn't stop talking about how fun shopping was. I couldn't help but smile at them acting like a family. If I didn't have my quest forcing me to remember my past, I would be content. If I find out that my memories are locked to hinder me I'll kill who is responsible.

My head started hurting out of nowhere and I saw a flash of a woman. I could only see her mouth, everything else was blurry but she had a grin on her face that filled me with rage and... betrayal?.

'What was that? Ddraig? Did you do something?' I asked the dragon.

"I had a partner. When you thought about killing anyone responsible a part of your soul flashed and became weaker. I managed to break through it. It wasn't enough just enough for us to find out a person did this to you. The emotions that followed insinuated you might have known this person." he told me in my head.

'I need to know more.' I told him.

"You know what you need to do then." he said, going quietly back into my mindscape.

I looked over at my peers who were still talking, not noticing my dilemma. I remembered back to the phoenix vial and thought now was a better time than any.

"I need to talk to you all." I said, gaining their attention.

"What is it?" Ravel asked, noticing my seriousness.

"Well, I'm going to be straight forward here. Ravel, you know how your bloodline has been diluted?" I asked her, getting a confused look.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" she asked me.

"No, I was just stating a fact. However, I have a way that can change this for you." I told her to pull out the vial. "This vial is basically the bloodline of the original phoenix. Anyone who drinks it can take on the bloodline. However, if they are too weak it does nothing or may just kill them. There is a way around this though. That person can have a diluted bloodline." I told her to make her eyes go wide along with Asia's and Eri's.

You know Eri may still be mentally a child, but is smarter than she acts. Then again she had to deal with Overhaul for a time. Probably made her see the world how it really is. Causing her to grow up faster even if she acts like a child still at times.

"You are telling me, I could become a true phoenix? How did you even get something like that?" she asked, referring to the vial.

"Not important. Just answer this question. Do you want more power?" I asked her to hand the vial to her. Which she very carefully took.

She looked at the vial in thought. She opened it while still debating on drinking it.

"If I drink this, what will happen?" she asked me.

"I can't tell you because I don't know. I can say you will still be able to take human form. However, the transformation may be painful. I also want you to know none of us will look at you differently." I told her hoping she would take it.

She looked at Asia and Eri who gave her a reassuring smile and then she sighed bringing the vial to her lips. The red liquid went down her throat and after she finished it nothing happened.

"Nothing is happening? Is this something that happens overnight or- AHHHHH!" she asked before she started screaming. I quickly went into the gamer shop and bought a skill that allowed me to put up a barrier that stopped sound.



[User has bought skill "Sound Barrier"]

(Active)[Sound Barrier]LVL(Max)(Cost 500MP!) - Put up a barrier that cancels sound from leaving it.

Ravel started thrashing around and fell off the bed she was sitting on. Asia and Eri were freaking out wanting to help. Eri looked like she was about to touch her before I stopped her.

"If you use your quirk. It may reset the process. I did mention this may hurt. She should be okay." I told her in which she nodded and looked back at Ravel in worry.


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