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The Thunder God's laughter resonated through the air. "They are indeed fascinating creatures... although it's fortunate for us that they remain confined to the realms of myth. So, tell me, why do you have such a fondness for dragons?"

Issei's eyes gleamed with passion as he spoke. "Dragons are not merely powerful and dangerous beasts. They symbolize something far greater. A true dragon embodies fearlessness, living a life free from constraints. They are mighty beings who are undisturbed by the troubles of the world, embracing a peaceful existence filled with joy. If I were a dragon, that's the life I would choose. I admire that mindset and strive to live by it. I couldn't care less about politics or engaging in pointless conflicts with every arrogant fool who seeks to challenge me."

Thor, intrigued by Issei's response, offered his perspective. "That's an intriguing viewpoint. Throughout mythology, dragons often assume the role of villainous monsters, pitted against heroes in epic battles. In many cases, their defeat was deemed necessary."

Rossweisse became more alert, realizing that Issei and Thor were engaging in an indirect conversation, testing each other's reactions.

Issei shook his head, challenging the prevailing narrative. "Perhaps some of those dragons were simply weary of being relentlessly pursued by heroes hungry for glory. It's no wonder they sought solace away from society, dwelling in remote mountains. Who's to say they were truly evil? Is it evil for a dragon to defend itself or seek revenge against those who wronged it? After all, humans commit similar acts all the time. In fact, such actions have been celebrated throughout history. The truth is, everyone in this world desires their own piece of it, and they will stop at nothing to claim what they believe is rightfully theirs."

Thor chuckled, acknowledging Issei's point. "Yes, you have a valid argument, kid. It's true that the world isn't bound by strict notions of good and evil. Every villain can be seen as a hero from their own perspective. And dragons, well, they hold a complex place in mythology and stories. While many portray them as malevolent creatures, some tales shine a different light. Personally, I've always held a deep admiration for the Welsh Dragon, Ddraig, from ancient British mythology. The people of that time believed that the red dragon protected them, so they adopted its image on their banner."

Issei struggled to conceal his surprise upon hearing Thor mention Ddraig by name. Ingvild, thankfully, remained composed, much to his relief.

'Why would a Scandinavian man like Ddraig? Could it be possible that he knows about me being his wielder?' Issei pondered, his concern growing.

Ddraig sighed within Issei's consciousness. 'I'm not entirely sure. I did inadvertently save a group of people when I vanquished Nidhoggr many years ago. And there was that incident with Beowulf, where he offered me a trove of treasure in exchange for my assistance in dealing with Grendel. Truth be told, I never really cared for anything other than battling formidable opponents. Perhaps humans misinterpreted my actions as protection. As for this man knowing about your identity, I highly doubt it. Even if he and Rossweisse are heroes or giants, it would be impossible for them to possess such knowledge.'

After a momentary silence, Thor broke it with a question. "Have you ever heard of the Apocalypse Dragon in the Bible?"

Issei tilted his head in curiosity. "You mean the Great Red from Revelation? I have a few Catholic friends who are into that stuff, but I don't know much about it."

Thor continued, probing further. "What do you think that dragon wants? Its entire existence seems to be focused on destroying the world, doesn't it?"

Issei pondered for a moment, his expression thoughtful. "Well, that's based on someone's prophecy or conjecture. It's easy to get entangled in all that mystical nonsense. That's why I'm not particularly religious. I believe people should seek answers for themselves instead of blindly following doctrines they can't prove. Concepts like fate only speculate on what could happen, not what will happen. At least, that's my perspective. If the Great Red from Revelation were real, I imagine it would simply want to live its own life without being bothered."

Thor nodded in approval. "That's a valid opinion to hold."

Soon after, their food arrived at the table, and Issei wasted no time digging into his meal. Ingvild, relieved by the distraction, ate her own food slowly and steadily, trying to ease the awkward silence.

As they savored their meals, Issei decided to break the silence with a question directed at Thor. "So, Magni, since you guys are from Norway, can you tell me anything about the Norse Gods?"

Thor, with a stack of plates and bowls already empty, looked up at Issei. "Aye, I can certainly do that. Anything specific you'd like to know?"

"Just the basics, I suppose. I learned a little bit about them in school years ago, but hearing about them from a native person would be more interesting," Issei explained, his curiosity piqued as he resumed eating.

Thor began to share his knowledge. "Well, the Norse Gods are no longer widely worshipped, as you probably know. Christianity and atheism are the dominant practices in Scandinavia these days. There are a few Asatru cults in Iceland, I believe, but they're more like modern-day pagans and don't hold much influence. However, in the Viking Age, the Norse Gods were revered by almost all Scandinavians, Germanic tribes, and even certain regions of the British Isles. They constituted an extraordinary pantheon, to say the least."

Intrigued, Issei raised an eyebrow. "Why do you say that?"

"Unlike all these modern-day religions that have these sympathetic and patronizing gods or beliefs, the Norse gods weren't like that. They protected mankind, but they expected their followers to be worthy of worshipping them. Unlike the Christian ideas of heaven where every weak nobody gets to go to heaven if they kiss God's ass enough, the Norse Gods believed in strength, courage, the pursuit of wisdom, and the self-improvement displayed by humans. Not all people are created equal, but the mettle of men was determined by their wills. For a warrior to die on the battlefield, he proved he was worthy enough to sit at Odin's table in the Halls of Valhalla. Worthy enough to be an Einherjar chosen by the Valkyries and to join the gods in Asgard. People who prove themselves deserved to be rewarded. Those with weak wills did not. Self-actualization was an especially important ideal the Norse Gods represented to mankind. No matter who you are…farmer or fisher…warrior or king…all would be judged on how they lived and how they died," he paused again to chug down a bottle of Sake.


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