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'I wonder if Ophis would be willing to wear rabbit ears or cat ears. Even better if she could shapeshift with those extra appendages. It would be cute to see her with a cat's tail. Maybe even draconic aspects.' I thought of imagining her with those.

"You know if you want to see me like that you only have to ask." Ophis told me with our telepathic link.

'You were listening? How long have you been listening?' I asked her, feeling my cheeks get a little red.

"Oh not long. Just since you called the Rabbit cute." she said, causing me to gulp.

"I'm not mad. If you would have thought about trying to make her yours then I would have been mad. However, you thought of me afterward with some rabbit ears." she said, causing me to sigh.

"Remember your mine. Don't try anything with other girls. I don't mind light flirting, but any farther they will lose their life." she told me.

'I don't have any wants for a harem. It would be wrong to do that to you.' I told her getting a feeling of her smiling through the link.

"I know. I'm going to go. The organization I'm leading is getting loud. Going to see what is going on and maybe kill the ones making the noise." she told me, causing me to laugh a little. She then went quiet with our link and I turned my attention to everyone else.

While I was talking to Ophis we went into the bullhead and made it into town. Coco was leading us to all the high in clothes shops. My money from the Manga had arrived before leaving and found out that my system could convert it into other currencies. I just turned $100,000 into a lien. It had a one to one conversion meaning I didn't lose anything with the conversion. I could have a problem exploiting this, but I have so much money that it doesn't bother me either way.

Even with the trait of Greed, I haven't had any urges to want more of something besides power. Then again Greed doesn't have to be wanting more money. My other traits, having shown much of Pride, only takes effect if I use [Sunshine]. Gluttony has shown a little when I was training Rias and using my own magic.

Coco was grabbing clothes left and right and having Eri, Asia, Velvet, and Ravel try them on. We came more for Eri, but girls will be girls and they all got into shopping. Velvet looked like she wanted to run away after a few hours. I agreed with her because I thought about pulling my magic pistol out and shooting my brains out.

Then I realized it wouldn't kill me... the downside of immortality. It didn't look like they would get done anytime soon and I was losing my patience. Getting a great idea I pulled Coco aside.

"There isn't any use for me to be here since I don't need clothes and it looks like you all are having fun, so I'm just going to give you all the money I had for this and you all can splurge. You can even buy the store if you want to." I told her to hand her the lien.

Which was interesting to find out turned into a card for this world. Coco looked at it and seemed to be drooling a little.

"I love shopping if you can't tell, so I'm more than happy to take this. However, I got to ask, "What is the limit of the card?" she asked.

"Hundred thousand." I told her and she almost dropped the card out of shock.

"I'm sorry, how much did you say?" she asked again.

"A hundred thousand. You can keep the card if you want. I have more and you can think of it as a thank you." I told her to walk toward the door.

"You know if you weren't taken you would have just got a ticket to my heart." she said, causing me to laugh.

"Sorry, Coco, you are definitely my type, but my girlfriend won my heart first." I said not to turn around.

"She is a lucky girl and not just because you are loaded." Coco said going back to everyone else.

"I think I'm the lucky one." I said with a laugh.

Not many people even catch Ophis's attention and not a single one of those people was remotely interesting enough for her to claim them.

Walking into town I didn't have a specific destination in mind. I just wanted to get away from the madness that was Coco's shopping. Converting some more of my cash and putting some of it in my pocket, so I wouldn't just pull cash from mid-air. Getting a craving for something sweet I headed to an ice-cream shop I saw.

Getting some cookie dough ice cream and leaving the shop and going back on my walk. I felt like someone was watching me, but couldn't see anyone. Figuring that they would show themselves in time, they gave up looking for them. It wasn't long before I felt something touch me and felt like I ran into a pickpocket. Using my inhuman speed reached out to grab the pickpocket. Feeling myself grab someone's arm but seeing nothing was weird.

Using one of my newest skills [Magic Eyes] saw the outline of a petite girl. My grip strengthened and something shattered and the girl was trying to yank her arm out of my grip. Deactivating my eyes I saw a girl with pink and brown hair wearing a white, pink, and brown outfit.

"What do we have here? Did you think you saw an easy target and wanted to take my money?" I asked with a smirk.


[Name - Neopolitan
Title - "Ice-cream girl", "Roman's second in command"
Race – Human
Lvl – 60
Hp – 800
Aura – 6000
STR – 60
VIT – 40
END – 40
AGI – 60
INT – 120
WIS – 80
LCK – 100]


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