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[Name - ?
Title - "Alpha Beowolf"
Race - Grimm Beowolf
Lvl - 20
Hp - 1000
STR - 40
VIT - 50
END - 50
AGI - 30

INT - 0
WIS - 0
LCK - 10]

"I got the big one if you can handle the small ones, Ravel." I told her.

"I can handle them, don't worry." she told me about forming her devil wings.

I smirked and started walking toward the Alpha Beowolf.

"You're not going to be any trouble but let us have some fun." I said.

The Beowulf roared and tried clawing me. I leaned backward dodging the claw. The Beowulf was still in mid-swing, so I lightly touched its arm using [Full-cold]. The arm started getting iced up and the system must have lied about it having no intelligence because Beowulf used its other hand to claw off its arm stopping the ice from spreading.

"This may not be as boring as I thought." I said forming some throwing knives with [Holy light manipulation].

The Beowulf lunged at me and I kept stepping back words dodging its lunges. Beowulf kept trying to lunge at me reminding me of a wolf pouncing on its prey. Every time it lunged I would throw a holy knife at its body. It would flinch from each knife then get even more feral.

I got tired of dodging it and when it pounced toward me with its massive body and didn't dodge. I waited until it was about to land on me and used [Overpower] to deliver an uppercut to its jaw. I felt its mask start to crumble under my strength. The beast was about to fly backward but I delivered a roundhouse kick to it sending it toward a tree that shattered under the pressure. I looked toward Ravel, Eri, and Asia.

I saw that Eri used to rewind Asia since she looked about to collapse from magic exhaustion. I saw that Asia was glowing green and I didn't notice it before but the whole clearing that we were in was also glowing faintly green. 

I saw Ravel was keeping out of reach of the few regular beowolves left. I also noticed that some areas of the clearing looked to be melted into black sludge. She must have used her flames to melt the beowolves she was fighting and they turned into sludge.

I heard something running toward me panting heavily. I knew that Ravel, Eri, and Asia were in front of me, so it must have been the Alpha Beowulf. I didn't even turn around and used [Full-cold] causing the ground beneath my feet to spread ice toward the beast. I heard a whimper and turned around seeing the Alpha Beowulf on its hind legs frozen from its legs to its neck. The one remaining arm it had was outstretched toward me frozen.

"I'm not sure what I'll get from you, but there's only one way to find out." I told her.

I walked up toward it and put my hands on the side of its head and used [All for One variation]. I saw that veins in my arms were turning black and my vision went black.

I looked around and found myself to be in a black void. In the void, a woman with deathly white skin, white hair, red iris eyes with black scleras and she was examining me. She was in a black and red dress. Her veins looked to be black like the Grimm.

"You are an interesting subject. I have never run across a human that could absorb Grimm powers into their own." the woman commented. I tried using [Observe] but it didn't work.

[User must physically be in the presence of target to use Observe]

"How are you speaking to me? You shouldn't be able to bypass my mind without me allowing you." I questioned.

"That is true with your mind being one of the strongest I have encountered. In normal situations, I doubt we could be having this conversation. However, you let me in when you absorbed the Alpha Beowolf. I tried going deeper into your mind, but something is stopping me. I was only able to bring us into this space for a conversation." she told me.

"What do you want Salem to do?" I asked her looking surprised.

"I'm guessing Ozpin told you about me. He still is trying to kill me knowing it's pointless." she said, sighing.

"Actually, he told me nothing. I already knew before meeting Ozpin." I told her.

"You just got more interesting." she said.

"I hope you're not naive enough to kill me like Ozpin." she said with a laugh.

"I wouldn't be so arrogant. Even immortals can be killed after all you wouldn't be the first Immortal who has died." I told her.

"What? Do you know a way for an immortal to die? Tell me!", she yelled.

"I think this is where our conversations end in Salem." I told her noticing the black void breaking apart and light shining in.

"How? You shouldn't be able to break my link to the Grimm." she asked, looking around in shock.

"That is where you are wrong, you think you're untouchable, that is where you are wrong." I told her before she was forced out of my head.

[System has detected foreign entity with malicious intent in mind space. The system has fixed loopholes foreign entities forced out.]

"She looked creepy." I heard behind me.

I turned around and saw a giant red dragon. "Ddraig?" I asked the dragon.

"Who else would it be, partner?" Ddraig asked with a laugh.

"I haven't heard from you in a bit." I told him.

"I was looking into something. I was looking through your memories and I noticed something that caught my eye." he told me.

"What did you find?" I asked him quickly.

"I found out you have more memories than a normal human should be able to hold. Think of a human soul as a hard drive. Normally this hard drive would only be able to hold 200 years of memory." he told me.

"After these 200 years, a human's soul starts to die. You are an anomaly that I don't understand." he told me.


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