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"Everyone should be waking up soon. I should go make some breakfast." I told Ophis who looked to have a look of fear. "Are you okay?" I asked her frantically.

"I just realized I won't be able to eat your food for a while." she said, causing me to deadpan.

"I will make you enough sweets to last a month." I told her.

"Oh thank you I knew I chose you as my mate for a reason." she said, causing me to laugh.

"Geez I feel so loved." I said getting a much stronger punch to my chest causing me to gasp for air.

"That isn't the only reason and you know it." she told me.

"Okay, I'm going to make some breakfast and sweets now." I told Ophis she gave me a thumbs up and laid back in bed. I went and made breakfast and I'm glad the house restocks itself in ingredients because I would be spending way too much money to keep up with some stomachs around here.

I set the breakfast on the table and it couldn't have been more perfect timing.

"Papa, when did you wake up?", Eri asked, rubbing her eyes.

"I woke up early, so I decided to make us all breakfast before we go on a trip." I told her.

"We're going on a trip?", Asia asked.

"I would like to know where we're going also." Ravel said.

"How about you all eat and I'll tell you where we're going after." I told them.

"I already ate and need to make a few phone calls." I told them to make a slight lie because I didn't need to eat.

I went and made a call to Eri's school and said we were going to be unable to attend for at least a month. I sent a message to Rias telling her I wouldn't be attending school for a while. After I finished that I went back and saw everyone was done eating even Ophis who joined them.

"Travel and Asia I want you to promise not to tell anyone about where we are going." I told them which they did easily. "Well, I think I'm going to bring you in on one of my secrets. I can travel to different worlds and Eri is from one of these worlds." I told them to get looks of surprise from them. "We are going to be going to one of these worlds." I told them.

"H-How did you get this ability?", Ravel asked and I just smirked at her not answering.

"I understand I won't ask again." she said with a pout.

"Get some things together for a month." I told them that they all went off to get some clothes and the essentials, leaving me with Ophis. Ophis walked up to me giving me a hug in her adult form. "You really don't want me leaving do you?", I asked her.

"It is going to be difficult for me. Dragons have difficulty with being away from their mates for long periods." she told me.

"Just contact me if it gets too much." I told her.

"Okay." she told me and kissed me.

"We're ready." Asia came in saying with the others following in after her. I took their luggage and put it in my inventory.

"Gather around me." I told them, and with one last hug from Ophis, I activated the dungeon.

[User has brought three others with them into RWBY. Eri will take the appearance of a 16-year-old to fit into this world.]

"Ahh, What's going on with my body?", I heard Eri scream. Looking over at her I saw that she did look like she had grown older.

"I didn't know this would happen, Eri. In this dungeon, your age was raised up to match ours. Also, for the duration of this trip, I want you to refer to me as your big brother and you can drop the illusion that hides your horn." I told her.

"I guess Pa- I mean Onii-sama." she said to me with a pout. Looking around I found us in front of a store called From Dust till Dawn. We all walked in and looking toward the back of the store I saw someone wearing a red hood reading a weapon magazine.



[Name - Ruby Rose
Title - "Little Red Reaper", "Weapon Enthusiast", "Silver-Eyed Warrior", "Cookie Reaper"
Race - Human
Lvl - 35
Hp - 700
Aura – 5,000
STR - 35
VIT – 35
END - 35
AGI - 45(semblance speed 80)
INT – 100
WIS – 35
LCK – 100]

Ruby is pretty weak especially after training to be a huntress for her whole life. My attention was brought toward the front of the shop when a man with orange hair, a bowler hat, and a cane came through the door.



[Name - Roman Torchwick
Title - "Vale's Greatest Criminal"
Race - Human
Lvl - 70
Hp - 1400
Aura – 3500
STR - 70
VIT – 70
END - 70
AGI - 35
INT – 70
WIS – 70
LCK – 50]

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late?", Roman told the person at the register.

My peerage and I walked over to Ruby without being seen. I tapped her on the shoulder and pointed toward the situation going on right when one of Roman's goons walked up to us.

"All of you put up your hands." the goon said to us.

"Are you robbing us?" Ruby asked.

"Yes!", he yelled.

"Ah." Ruby said and used her semblance which turned her into rose petals that crashed into the goon causing her and the goon to go flying outside of the store through the window.

"That is an interesting ability. Is it magic?" Ravel asked.

"No, it is called a semblance, and try not to mention any magic in the future. Magic is thought to not exist in this world." I told her.

"Okay... get her." Roman said toward his other goons with him.


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