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Mirror Dungeon:-

"And there goes another one," I shouted, slicing off the head of an incoming mannequin and stuffing a potion bomb in its mouth before kicking it back in the direction of the chagrining horde.

The resulting explosion was spectacular as the shrapnel ripped through them like a hot knife through butter.

I managed to destroy 5 cores before the rest grouped together to form some sort of 8-foot monster with 4 faces and a mix of different body parts.

It gave an unsightly roar as it limped its way over to me where I then sidestepped three of its arms.

One of its mouths opened wide and spewed a torrent of water all over the floor, before another slammed a clawed hand covered in yellow electricity on the ground, lighting up the entire hallway.

Luckily, I was able to jump and stab my sword into a wall to act as a foot hold.

Taking out my crossbow I shot a freezing bolt and turned the water into ice, partially incasing its legs.

Next, I jumped high into the air and took out a two-handed broadsword, probably taller than me, and activated [Double Jump], [Power Strike], and [Charge].

My sword sliced the monstrosity in half momentarily exposing its insides to me. It was just long enough for me to throw some more potion bombs inside and jump away.

It scrambled to reach for the bombs, but its natural regenerative ability was already sealing the wound.

It looked momentarily stunned before parts of its body began to bulge to an unnatural size and it exploded in a loud fiery explosion.

The only thing left behind was a scorch mark and the loot.

[Gained 10,000 experience.]

[Gained 10,000 experience.]

[Gained 10,000 experience.]

[Gained 10,000 experience.]

[You obtained 4 Galleons.]

[You obtained Lighting Shard.]

[You obtained Water Shard.]

[You obtained Fire Shard X2.]

This dungeon was turning out to be a great place for EXP, a few more monsters and I would be able to gain another level despite leveling up just an hour prior. Shame that I wouldn't be able to come here again after tonight, no doubt my presence would be noticed a second time.

Hearing loud footsteps, I turned around to see Professor McGonagall's duplicate coming down the hall. I retrieved my rapier and readied another bomb.

Looking at her level I saw that it was at 45, much weaker than the original. Still I didn't let my guard down.

"Students out of bed, should be punniissshhheeeddd!" she screeched as her face turned into a ghoulish appearance. The windows exploded showering us in glass as the black portraits suddenly had black skeletal arms reaching out for me.

Still I smiled as all of this was happening, and I continued to smile even as I ran away.

I severed any arms that grew too close as I tried to find a more open area.

The teachers must be the mini boss of this dungeon.

Oh, what the Gryffindor's wouldn't give to punch Snape in the face.

[You sense danger!]

Stopping in my tracks I was just quick enough to dodge McGonagall's clawed attack as she jumped out of one of the black portraits in front of me.

"I never liked you anyway?" I told her leveling my sword.

"You are a bad student!" she replied with a snarl.

"Oh, so now were taking shots huh? Well your hat-"

Obviously sensing the well-deserved burn, she cut me off by sending globs of black ink my way, that transformed into ceramic daggers in mid-air.

I smashed each one with my sword but when I looked up, she was no longer there.


Smashing the head of the Headmaster I stumbled backwards, exhausted. My health only had a handful of points left, my mana was empty, and I was out of potions.

By my estimate it was already 7 AM outside.

In Just a couple hours I had managed to find and slaughter every single person in Hogwarts, including Hermione, Daphne, and my own copy.

The teachers, although much harder to beat, dealt the best rewards in the shape of skill books and pieces of armor and weapons.

Dumbledore on the other hand was in an entirely different league altogether as at one point during the battle I had managed to drop the entire bell tower on his head only for him to not just shrug it off, but also fuse with it, transforming him into a 50ft tall golem.

The battle was hard-fought, and there had been many close calls but in the end I had emerged victorious.

Just as the final remains of the mannequin disappeared, I received a flux of new messages.

[Gained 120,000 experience.]

Your level went up by 1.

[Congratulations! You have cleared your first dungeon! You will now be awarded with a special prize.]

[You obtained the item 'Elemental Rapier.']

[A quest has been created.]

[Hogwarts' Conqueror:

Claim ownership of Hogwarts by clearing all of 15 dungeons. Dungeons cleared (1/15).

Completion award: 100,000,000 EXP

Hogwarts land and everything inside (including the dungeons).

Completion failure: None]

Now this was worth my time and definitely something to look forward to.

I went over to pick up my loot.

[You obtained 1000 Galleons.]

[You obtained magic stone X100]

[You obtained a skill book [Arcane Mirrors].

[You obtained a skill book [Puppetry Magic].

Yes, it was not a bad day of work, and looking at the time, it would seem I could still make it to breakfast.


The days blurred as we quickly made it into frosty December.

With the holidays only a few days away, all the students were too excited to focus on the lessons. Even the teachers couldn't wait for the break as they made very little attempt to rein the rowdier students and just assigned busy work for the final week.

The next Quidditch match wouldn't be until February so practice had been much lighter.


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