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I brought by sword up before slamming it down on the exposed neck with all my strength intending on severing the head.

The zombie was decapitated in one swift motion, causing me to frown.

[Gained 350 experience.]

[A skill has been created through a special action.]

[(Power Strike) has been created.

(Power Strike) (Active) LV 1 EXP: 0.0%

Description: Strikes the target with a strong force. 15% increase to critical rate. 50% increase in attack damage.

Cost: 5 MP ]

"Ah, I see now."

The sword was sharp of course since I had recently sharpened it, but it shouldn't have been able to cut throw the neck that easily.

The corpse of the zombie turned into black smoke that dissipated into the open air.

"Shouldn't it have left some sort of drop or something. In most games, monsters usually leave behind money or items. Is this because my luck is too low?"

[LUK: 7]

STR, DEX, VIT, and INT could all be raised manually with some training, but it was different matter when it came to WIS and LUK.

Normally I would be inclined to raise my attributes through other means rather than using points, but the problem with that was that I had no way to do that with LUK, since you first needed to be lucky to raise it. The same went for raising WIS, you needed to be wise to make wise decisions after all.

I had 10 points that I could spend after I leveling up, but the question was if I should use them now.

If I chose to raise them now, then I could think of it as an investment for the future.

The system said that WIS was in charge of my mana regeneration and my magic resistance. 10 WIS for every 1%, meaning that with my current WIS of 10 I recovered 1.8 MP per minute, and it took 1 hour and 40 minutes to recovery it completely.

LUK would also help immensely with finding rare drops and better weapons.

"Eh. I'm sure it won't make that much of a difference this early one," I told myself before raising both my WIS and LUK by 5.

[WIS: 15]

[LUK: 12]

It seems that I was just in time as another zombie came limping toward me.

I waited patiently for it to reach me then I thrust my rapier at its heart calling on my newest skill.

"Power strike!"

The thin blade exited from its back causing it to pause momentarily before stopping all together as it became a wisp of black smoke.

[Gained 350 experience.]

[Your level went up by 1.]

It seems that the increase in luck really was the best decision as the zombie left something behind.

I went to pick it up and used observe.

[You obtained the item 'Soul Stone'.]

It was a small purple crystal with uneven sides the size of my pinky.

"Soul stone huh? I better keep this safe in my inventory. Anything with the word 'soul' in the title has to be important, even if I don't know what it is."

[Wise decision making causes your WIS to go up by 1.]

I saw a cluster of zombies in the distance and allowed myself a smile. My goal of being the strongest suddenly didn't seem so unreachable.

Great Hall:-

I chewed my food thoroughly, mentally going over what I had learned today.

First was that attributes tended to raise faster if you were in combat rather than in a safe location like the Room of Requirements.

Second was that although stamina wasn't shown, it was still very much present and running out mid battle would make you a sitting duck.

Third, [Gamer's Body] allowed you to take damage but not the injury.

I learned the last one personally as a zombie had gotten lucky and bitten my leg with enough force to tear off flesh. I killed it swiftly but when I went to see the injury, I noticed that beside a small amount of blood, there was nothing to indicate an attack, not even teeth marks.

It was such a curious sight, that I decided to test it by slashing my palm with my sword.

I noticed that my HP had fallen slightly but besides a little pain which disappeared a second later there was no lasting effect.

Anyways, thanks to the zombies I had managed to raise both my level and stats by a lot.

[Charles Bell

Class: The Gamer

Level: LV 8 Next Level: 3.47%

HP: 200/200

MP: 180/180

STR: 14

DEX: 13

VIT: 15

INT: 13

WIS: 15

LUK: 12

Points: 15]

[Money: 3,344 G/ 2 S/ 13 K]

[Inventory: 55/120]

I also managed to gain 2 new skills.

[ [Physical Endurance] (Passive) LV 2 EXP: 43.39%

Description: The body's durability increases, and you take less damage.

4% decrease in damage taken by physical attacks. ]

[ [Sense Danger] (Passive) LV 1 EXP: 67.33%

Description: A natural survival instinct. It allows the user to sense when a bad thing might happen. The higher the skill level, the earlier it can sense danger.]

I now had a total of 10 skills, with [Observe] and [Power Strike] being the only active ones.

I would need to expand my arsenal before I returned to the dungeon again. I had to stop half way after my health got to low.

Making sure I wasn't being watched I snatched some bread and hid it under the table where I put it in my inventory to eat later.

[Gamer's Body] meant that I no longer required to eat or sleep, though I still chose to do both as food had the benefit of restoring lost HP and sleep got rid of mental fatigue.

Currently I was having lunch alone as the older students had gone to Hogsmeade while the younger kids had taken to exploring the castle.

Taking a pitcher of milk, I poured myself a cup which I then proceeded to place in my inventory.