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Issei's arms remained crossed as he regarded Riser with a mix of surprise and uncertainty. "I have to admit, I'm not sure how to process all of this. I never expected you to approach me again, unless it was for revenge or something. Usually, trying to knock sense into people doesn't work," he confessed, his voice tinged with a hint of skepticism.

Riser's response carried a note of honesty mixed with apprehension. "I won't deceive you...this apology isn't entirely driven by genuine sincerity. It's more fueled by fear, to be completely honest. I just want you to forget everything I said and refrain from harming my family. I promise to stay out of your way and even encourage other devils to do the same," he implored.

Issei's expression softened, and he uncrossed his arms. "The fact that you had the courage to come here and apologize is enough for me, Riser. I'm genuinely amazed that you would even consider it. That kind of humility deserves respect, especially coming from a devil like you. For that alone, I'm willing to honor your request. We're cool now," he replied, his tone carrying a sense of acceptance and forgiveness.

Riser looked at Issei with a mix of confusion and curiosity. "You're an incredibly peculiar individual, Issei Hyoudou. It's quite perplexing to me that a dragon of your power isn't more prominent in the mythological world. You possess great pride, and yet you choose to live a relatively low-key existence. Why is that?" he inquired, genuinely intrigued by Issei's choice.

Issei's gaze turned distant as he contemplated his response. "To be honest, I never desired to attract the attention of devils, angels, or any other supernatural beings. All I wanted was power, so I could embrace my true nature as a dragon and live a life of freedom," he explained, his voice tinged with a hint of longing.

Curiosity piqued, Riser pressed further. "If you wish to avoid devils, why do you attend Kuoh Academy?" he asked, genuinely interested in understanding Issei's motivations.

Issei shrugged, a casual gesture. "I don't know, maybe because I live in this town, and it's convenient. Transferring to Kyoto might be an option, but I imagine it's teeming with yokai and various other supernatural entities. The devils may claim to have 'territory' in this part of the world, but that won't stop me from going wherever I please," he replied, his determination shining through.

Riser pondered Issei's words, a mixture of curiosity and admiration in his eyes. "I suppose a being of your power has nothing to fear from devils or angels anyway. But I can't help but wonder, why do the angels hold you in such high regard?" he mused, genuinely intrigued by Issei's unique standing.

As Issei noticed his neighbors peering through their windows, a mix of annoyance and amusement washed over him. He sighed, realizing that the conversation needed to continue in a more private setting. He glanced at the group of devils standing before him and suggested, "My neighbors are starting to attract attention. Why don't we continue this conversation inside? Come on in."

The 16 devils looked taken aback by Issei's unexpected invitation into his home, but they slowly accepted and stepped inside as Issei moved aside to let them enter.

Ddraig, curious about Issei's decision, questioned him. 'This is rather unusual, Issei. You're inviting them into your house?'

Issei replied with a rational explanation, his voice tinged with a sense of fairness. 'The guy came here to apologize, Ddraig. I'm not going to be petty and dismissive. Letting them in is the least I can do.'

Once all 16 devils were inside Issei's house, he closed the door behind them and addressed them once again. "Feel free to take a seat if you'd like," he offered, gesturing to the couches in his living room.

Reluctantly, about 10 of the girls from Riser's peerage settled themselves on the couches, while Riser, Ravel, and a few others remained standing. Among them were Siris, Xuelan, Isabela, and some of Riser's pawns, creating an intriguing mix of individuals in Issei's home.

Ravel's gaze wandered around Issei's modest house, taking in the surroundings with a mix of curiosity and surprise. "You live in this tiny house?" she questioned, unable to hide her astonishment.

Issei shrugged, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, it's not much, I know. I'm actually planning to upgrade soon. But hey, I bet you guys live in a grand castle or a luxurious mansion, right?" he asked, genuinely interested in their living arrangements.

Ravel nodded, her voice filled with a touch of pride. "We reside in the Phenex Mansion, a magnificent eyrie-like castle nestled in the mountains of the Underworld," she revealed, her tone betraying a hint of regality.

Issei chuckled at the description. "An eyrie, huh? So your castle is like an eagle's nest. I suppose it suits phoenixes to live in such a way," he remarked, finding amusement in the correlation between their mythical nature and their living quarters.

Ravel's expression momentarily flickered with annoyance, but she quickly composed herself, remembering the person she was conversing with. "Yes, something along those lines," she confirmed, her voice carrying a hint of reservation.

Xuelan, intrigued by a picture hanging on the wall depicting a younger Issei with his parents during a vacation in Hawaii, approached it with curiosity. She glanced at Issei, seeking confirmation. "Are these your parents?" she inquired softly.

Issei's response was brief and guarded. "My human parents, yes. Please refrain from snooping around," he cautioned, his words carrying a sense of protectiveness. Xuelan immediately retreated, making her way back towards the living room couches.

Riser's gaze lingered on the picture as Xuelan passed him, curiosity evident in his eyes. "Which one of them is the dragon?" he inquired, unable to contain his curiosity.

"They're both human. I became a dragon through means that are none of your concern. Just ensure that none of your devil companions ever lay a hand on my parents, or I assure you, consequences will be severe. I would unleash my wrath upon every individual in the Underworld," Issei warned, his tone laced with a dark intensity.


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