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Ravel's tone turned serious as she responded, "Considering the circumstances, Nii-sama, there is no shame in losing to him. In fact, it's a miracle that he spared your life."

Fear gripped Riser's heart as he contemplated the potential consequences of his past actions. "What if he comes after me like he did with Diodora? I'm next! He'll target me for insulting him! I need to make amends!"

Ravel shook her head, her concern evident. "Should I inform Sitri or Gremory about this situation?"

"No, Ravel. I'll go take a shower. Stay safe, my dear sister. If he comes after us, just hide," Riser muttered, his gaze distant and detached, as if lost in his own thoughts.

As Ravel contemplated the destruction displayed on the television screen, a realization struck her. "Perhaps I should speak to that dragon and offer my apologies on Riser's behalf. I certainly don't want our home to suffer a similar fate," she thought, a sense of responsibility settling upon her.


The Underworld; Devil Capital Lilith

Deep within the heart of the devil territory in the Underworld, an assembly of highborn nobles had convened within a grand meeting chamber. The three Maou, the most influential figures in devil society, were present, alongside representatives from each of the surviving 33 Pillars.

Within this secluded gathering, they were privy to a more comprehensive version of the attack orchestrated by Issei Hyoudou on the Astaroth territory, a footage that had not yet been disseminated to the general populace through the media. This detailed recording primarily focused on Issei's awe-inspiring transformation, in which he sprouted four magnificent wings.

Ajuka Beelzebub paused the footage, his voice commanding the attention of the assembled nobility. "This dragon, Issei Hyoudou, possesses a power far surpassing our previous understanding. What you see here is a brief glimpse of his transformation, captured through one of my spells. Unfortunately, the rest of the battle footage was disrupted. Nonetheless, this fragment alone is enough to depict the magnitude of his capabilities. My encounter with him was profoundly unsettling. He exhibited a vast array of unnatural abilities, and even after this transformation, he did not manifest his full power."

One of the nobles, consumed by anxiety, demanded answers. "Beelzebub-sama, what exactly is this dragon capable of? Why does he possess four wings, and why didn't you eliminate him?"

Ajuka shook his head, a somber expression on his face. "Among the powers he displayed, we have confirmed his ability to manipulate portals, cast illusions, and even materialize matter using his own energy. All of his magical prowess bore a strong chaotic essence, surpassing anything I have witnessed among other dragons. Killing him would not have been a simple task, even if we had unleashed our full power. Furthermore, there were innocent bystanders present, and prolonging the battle would have put them in grave danger. In short, subduing or sealing this dragon would require a cataclysmic clash."

"Ajuka speaks the truth, but we must not overlook an important aspect. Based on what we have observed thus far, Issei Hyoudou employs only the necessary amount of power to defeat his adversaries. His encounters with Riser Phenex and Diodora Astaroth were mere glimpses of his true capabilities, evident from the immense power he unleashed during his confrontation with Ajuka. It is highly plausible that he possesses even greater strength. Engaging in a direct confrontation with him could result in widespread devastation and disharmony," Sirzechs interjected, his voice resonating with wisdom.

A cacophony of arguments and murmurs erupted in response to Sirzechs' statement, as the nobles engaged in heated debates, each voicing their concerns. One noble, unable to contain his apprehension, directed his words towards the Maou. "Are we seriously considering the notion that this dragon surpasses even the fabled Dragon Kings in power? If that indeed holds true, it would be foolish to disregard this threat! He is akin to a ticking time bomb!"

Lord Bael's words struck a chord among the gathered nobility, stirring a mix of fear, anger, and grief. Lord Astaroth, his voice filled with anguish, raised his voice to express his vehement concerns. "Lord Bael speaks the undeniable truth! This dragon poses a grave danger to every devil in the Underworld! He ruthlessly took the life of my beloved son! Allowing such a brazen act of violence to go unanswered will only embolden him, as he perceives our weakness. What is to prevent him from claiming more lives? We are all in peril until this creature is either contained or eradicated!"

Lord Astaroth's passionate outburst hung heavily in the air, his grief echoing through the chamber. Ajuka, his voice tinged with a cold rationality, responded to the distraught noble's plea. "What course of action would you propose, Lord Astaroth? Should we hunt down this dragon, risking further casualties? It is crucial to recognize that this dragon possesses tremendous power, and he is bolstered by the support of Heaven. Any attempt at retaliation would inevitably trigger a full-scale war, with devastating consequences. While the loss of Diodora is undeniably tragic, we cannot overlook the fact that he brought it upon himself through his provocative actions, meddling with foreign powers and abducting holy maidens. Though I abhor the dragon's actions in taking his life, it is difficult to argue that it was unprovoked or undeserved."

Lord Astaroth's anger flared, his voice filled with a mixture of grief and frustration. "He was your brother, Ajuka!"

Ajuka's response was measured, his tone reflecting the weight of his position as one of the Maou. "Regardless of our familial ties, it is essential to address the Maou by his rightful title," interjected the third Maou, Falbium Asmodeus, his voice carrying a lazy undertone.

After a brief silence, Lord Astaroth acknowledged with a hint of submission, "I... of course."

Seizing the opportunity to maintain a sense of order amid the charged atmosphere, Sirzechs spoke up once more. "Let us not forget the concerns raised by my younger sister, Rias Gremory. Diodora, through his illicit acquisition of an excessive number of evil pieces, and his abduction of a girl under her protection, displayed a clear disregard for the rules. While Issei Hyoudou's actions in taking his life were undoubtedly extreme, it is important to note that the dragon has never attacked or threatened my sister and her peerage. In fact, he even attends her school. Sona Sitri can attest to the fact that Issei is cooperative as long as a certain level of respect is accorded to him."



never tickle a sleeping dragon