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However, all good things eventually come to an end, and Issei's excuses and forgery were no exception. Despite his lack of genuine interest in school, he felt a sense of pride in completing his academic obligations to prevent his parents from descending into despair. With a resigned sigh, he prepared himself for the start of his second year at Kuoh Academy.

As he approached the school, Issei arrived in style on his custom red motorcycle, effortlessly popping a wheelie as he entered the campus gates. The absence of a muffler resulted in the bike emitting a thunderous roar, causing several students to jump out of his way in fear as he sped past them.

Parking his sleek red motorcycle by the sidewalk, Issei dismounted with a confident swagger. He casually left his signature leather jacket resting on the bike's handlebars, knowing that its presence alone was enough to make onlookers think twice before tampering with it. As a self-proclaimed delinquent, he had developed a reputation that preceded him.

Embracing his rebellious persona, Issei didn't bother with the inconvenience of wearing a helmet, even though it was technically illegal. To his surprise, no one had ever stopped him, and he relished in the thrill of defying the rules, finding amusement in the lack of consequences.

Stepping into the school's main building, Issei's annoyance grew with each passing glance. He strolled down the hallways, his hands casually tucked into his pockets, projecting an air of nonchalance. However, instead of avoiding him out of fear, the students seemed to be staring at him intently, their eyes filled with curiosity and fascination.

Issei's usual apathetic glare deepened as he realized he had unintentionally become the center of attention. It irked him that his attempts to blend in with the crowd had backfired, making him the object of everyone's interest. His desire for a low-profile existence clashed with the reality of his newfound notoriety within the school walls.

Despite his annoyance, Issei couldn't help but feel a sliver of satisfaction deep down. Being noticed, even if it was for all the wrong reasons, was a stark contrast to the anonymity he had grown accustomed to during his training with Great Red. Perhaps this unexpected attention would pave the way for new alliances or even a chance to test his newfound strength.

Despite growing up alongside some of these individuals, Issei's transformation and increasing detachment over the past few years had effectively cast him as an outlaw among his peers. His aloofness and personal growth had fostered an aura of mystery, leaving his classmates with little knowledge of the person he had become. Instead, they resorted to fueling rumors and speculations about the enigmatic and intimidating figure he had morphed into.

Those who dared to make eye contact with Issei were met with a piercing gaze that radiated rebellious apathy, serving as a clear warning: "Approach at your own risk." Brimming with an air of defiance, he projected an unspoken message to the world: he was not to be messed with.

Yet, it wasn't just his formidable demeanor that commanded attention. Issei's reputation as the school's toughest delinquent preceded him, causing most to instinctively part ways in fear. With his imposing stature and well-built physique, he held an almost legendary status, despite his scarce presence during his first year at Kuoh Academy.

Issei couldn't help but find it peculiar how notorious he had become among the student body, given his infrequent appearances. The fact that his mere presence instilled a mix of unease, intrigue, and whispers of awe was both amusing and perplexing to him. Nevertheless, he had grown accustomed to this reputation and embraced it as a necessary facade to protect his true identity and the immense power that lay within him.

As Issei maneuvered through the crowded hallways, he observed the reactions of his peers with a hint of detached curiosity. It was a peculiar feeling, being both feared and respected, while still remaining an enigma to those around him.

As Issei made his way through the hallways, he couldn't help but notice the reactions of the female students. Some froze in their tracks, their eyes widening with a mix of intimidation and unabashed desire. It seemed that his bad-boy persona had its undeniable allure, captivating the attention of those around him. According to the whispers that echoed through the school corridors, he had earned a reputation as the epitome of a troublemaker.

One particularly vocal girl couldn't contain her surprise, blurting out, "Issei-kun actually came to class today?!" Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as Issei's gaze briefly flickered in her direction.

"Hyoudou-san gracing us with his presence on the first day of school...how unusual," he overheard one of the girls remark to the student council president.

The student council president, a composed young woman with dark hair, adjusted her glasses as their eyes locked for a fleeting moment. There was an unspoken tension in the air as their gazes connected.

Interrupting his stride, Issei turned to face her, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and defiance. "What are you looking at, Buchou?"

Sona's passive remark cut through the air, acknowledging Issei's presence in a seemingly indifferent manner. It was evident that she knew he had feigned illness during his time away from school. Issei responded nonchalantly, confirming his restored well-being.

"So, all healed up now," he replied with a dismissive tone.

Rumors about Issei being a troublemaker had spread throughout the school, reaching the ears of the student council president. Sona's words carried a subtle warning as she emphasized the need for him to stay out of trouble, her fearless demeanor underscoring her authority.

"I've heard plenty of rumors about your misbehavior. Ensure you keep your nose clean, Hyoudou-san, or I won't hesitate to initiate your expulsion," Sona warned, her voice resolute.

Issei stared down at her, a mix of disbelief and defiance coloring his expression. "Is that supposed to be a threat?" he retorted, his tone laced with defiance.



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