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With a crowd of people blocking his path, Issei's desperation propelled him to veer sharply to the right and leap over them, his body defying gravity in a breathtaking display. To his utter astonishment, he soared through the air, covering a tremendous distance before landing gracefully on the roof of a nearby house.

"What in the world...?" Issei gasped, his voice filled with disbelief, as he surveyed his surroundings, his chest heaving with exertion.

Sensing the imminent resurgence of his awakened powers, Issei instinctively followed Ddraig's earlier guidance, successfully averting their manifestation once again. Relief washed over him, his weary body sinking onto the rooftop as he gazed up at the twinkling stars adorning the night sky.

"I can't believe what I just witnessed..." he murmured, his voice filled with a mix of wonder and bewilderment, his eyes fixed on the vast expanse above.

Ddraig's voice echoed within Issei's mind, his words carrying a sense of profound realization. "Your physical attributes will undergo remarkable enhancements now that your dragon powers have awakened. Your intellect, speed, strength, agility, stature, and even your charisma will far surpass those of ordinary humans, angels, or devils. It's quite extraordinary to witness this manifestation in someone as young as you. Undoubtedly, it will profoundly shape your development into adulthood," Ddraig rambled, his tone a blend of fascination and contemplation.

Issei's confusion lingered, and he voiced his uncertainty to Ddraig. "I don't understand, Ddraig. What are you trying to say?"

Ddraig paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts before responding. "Forgive me, boy. I was merely contemplating aloud. What you should know is that as a dragon, you possess an inherent dominance that influences everything around you. But you must exercise caution with such power. It draws not only enemies but also potential mates and those who seek to venerate you as if you were a god. History has shown that some of my past hosts succumbed to the allure of their dominance, only to meet a tragic end. You must grasp this truth if you wish to master your own powers."

Issei's brow furrowed as he absorbed Ddraig's words, the weight of their implications sinking in. "So, what happens now?" he pondered aloud, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"For now, you must continue living your life. At your current age, you remain vulnerable to angels, demons, and other mythological beings. It is wise to keep your newfound power a secret until you are older and stronger. I will be your guide and mentor, training you daily until I am confident in your abilities and readiness to reveal yourself," Ddraig explained, his tone carrying a sense of responsibility and determination.

"Alright, then let's start from the beginning. If angels, demons, and dragons are all real, what else exists in this world?" Issei inquired, his curiosity piqued by the revelations unfolding before him.

"Prepare yourself, for this will be a lengthy explanation," Ddraig sighed wearily, fully aware of the extensive knowledge he needed to impart.

Four years Later

Issei Hyoudou, now 14 years old, underwent an incredible transformation. Within that span, he experienced unprecedented growth, progressing at an astonishing pace that left even Ddraig impressed. The dragon found solace in the fact that training a child proved far more effortless than guiding a teenager or an adult. Issei's youthful mind possessed an eagerness to learn that surpassed any of Ddraig's previous hosts.

Surprisingly, a bond of genuine fondness developed between them, despite the relatively short duration of their companionship. Over those four years, Ddraig painstakingly acquainted Issei with the intricacies of various mythologies and the existence of perilous entities that inhabited their world. He diligently trained Issei in harnessing the powers of the Boosted Gear, witnessing the young boy's remarkable progression. Issei had not only mastered the Balance Breaker, but had even achieved the ability to activate his Juggernaut Drive—a feat that left Ddraig astounded. Regrettably, the full utilization of Juggernaut Drive remained elusive, as its immense power risked attracting undesired attention through its destructive potential.

After months of deliberation and contemplation, an idea finally dawned upon Issei as he perched on the edge of a towering skyscraper, the bustling cityscape stretching out beneath him.

"I believe I have a solution for training the Juggernaut Drive, Ddraig," the brown-haired boy spoke with a determined glint in his eyes.

Curiosity piqued, Ddraig inquired, "Pray tell, what is your plan?"

"Remember when you mentioned the Dimensional Gap, where the Great Red Dragon resides? I've been thinking, perhaps we could utilize that realm. It exists apart from Earth, Heaven, and Hell, providing an ideal environment for honing my abilities without constantly restraining my power," Issei proposed, his reasoning taking shape.

Ddraig emitted a deep, disapproving growl, his skepticism evident. "That is an ill-advised notion. The Dimensional Gap is a domain fraught with chaos and entropy. Without adequate protection, it would rend you asunder. Moreover, even we pale in comparison to the Dragon of Dragons. If he were to catch sight of you within those depths, he would not hesitate to end your life."

Issei's curiosity burned brighter as he questioned further, "But why would the Dragon of Dragons wish to harm us? We are both dragons, after all. And if he can navigate through the Dimensional Gap, why can't I? Is there no way to safely traverse that realm?"

Ddraig contemplated for a moment, realizing the young boy's tenacity. "Well, in theory, it is possible, but it demands a tremendous amount of effort to breach the Dimensional Gap's barriers and withstand its entropic forces for prolonged periods," Ddraig reluctantly admitted.

Issei's eyes gleamed with excitement as he pressed his case, "That's precisely why it would be an ideal training ground! If I am constantly battling to maintain my form, it will push me to the limits and allow me to truly test the extent of my powers. Besides, it could also serve as a perfect hideaway for my after-school hours, don't you think?"



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