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With a pleasant smile on my face, I interjected, "Now, now," and began to imbue the air with my potent magical energy, while simultaneously manipulating gravity with my Psychokinesis ability. I proceeded to increase the weight of the room, ensuring that only Riser would feel its effects. As the air around us grew heavy and dense, Riser's eyes widened in a mixture of shock and fear as he struggled to remain upright.

Slowly but steadily, I increased the force of gravity, causing Riser to drop to his hands and knees. The immense pressure of the almost ten tonnes of weight bore down on his shoulders, making it difficult for him to breathe. The other members of the room watched in a mixture of shock and awe as I displayed my control over the environment, while Riser struggled under the weight of my power.

I sensed the atmosphere changing as my magic power filled the room, but I remained focused on Riser, staring him down with intensity. "You can hurl insults at me all you want," I said calmly, "but the moment you disrespect Rias or anyone else I care about, you'll see just how unpleasant I can be."

I watched as Riser's expression turned from one of arrogance to fear, his body still struggling under the immense gravity I had imposed upon him. I continued to hold his gaze, my eyes glinting with a cold determination. "Consider this a warning," I said, my voice low and menacing. "Cross me again, and you'll regret it."

As I spoke, I could feel the power in the air around me growing stronger, pulsing with the force of my magic. I knew that I was capable of doing far more damage than just increasing the gravity in the room, but I held back, not wanting to give Riser any reason to escalate the situation further. For now, the weight on his shoulders would be enough to remind him of the consequences of crossing me.

[A brand new skill has been developed as a result of psychokinesis and the projection of one's own power into the environment that surrounds them! The talent known as 'Magical Pressure' has been developed.]

As a result of my use of psychokinesis and the projection of my own magical power into the environment, a new skill had been developed. This skill was called 'Magical Pressure', and it was a talent that involved intimidating others by projecting one's power in the form of an increase in the gravity of the surroundings.

The skill was active, and it had reached its maximum level. It could only be used by beings who possessed a significant amount of magical strength. The cost and range of the ability were determined by the user's willpower and the amount of magical power they possessed.

This was a powerful technique that allowed me to intimidate my opponents and assert my dominance over them. By projecting my power in this way, I could make my enemies feel as if they were weighed down by an immense pressure, and this could be enough to make them hesitate or even surrender. It was a skill that I would have to use judiciously, however, as its cost and range could quickly exhaust me if used too frequently or carelessly.

As Riser regained his balance, I couldn't help but notice his disheveled appearance and the fact that he seemed to be somewhat intimidated by my show of power. I maintained a calm and collected demeanor as I addressed him.

"I must say, I find it disappointing that you would resort to such underhanded tactics as attempting to deceive others with a fraudulent display of Spiritual Pressure," I remarked, my voice carrying a hint of disapproval. "However, I am willing to put that behind us and have a civilized discussion about this matter, if you are willing to do the same."

Riser nodded hesitantly in response, and I continued to regard him sternly as I spoke. "Let us proceed then. I believe there are certain issues that need to be addressed regarding the validity of the marriage contract, and it is in everyone's best interest to resolve these matters as quickly and efficiently as possible."

Sure, here's a more detailed rephrased version:

Riser scowled and pointed his finger accusingly at Rias. "Then what the fuck is the matter with you?" he demanded. "She was in an arranged marriage with me, which she deliberately broke by... sleeping... with you," he continued, his voice laced with anger and frustration. He sounded almost like Draco Malfoy, the snobbish and entitled character from the Harry Potter series, whenever he declared that his father would hear about something that he felt was an insult.

Rias remained calm and collected, her posture relaxed and her expression neutral. She spoke in a measured tone, as if she was trying to reason with a stubborn child. "Riser, you know as well as I do that the marriage contract was flawed from the beginning. It was based on outdated traditions and meaningless rituals, and it didn't take into account our feelings or our wishes," she explained.

Riser rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Feelings? Wishes? Those things are irrelevant when it comes to politics and power," he retorted, his voice dripping with contempt. "You knew the rules, Rias. You knew what was expected of you as a member of the Gremory clan. And yet you chose to disregard them, to throw away years of planning and scheming for the sake of a momentary pleasure," he accused.

Rias shook her head, her eyes filled with pity. "You still don't get it, do you? The world has changed, Riser. The old ways are dying, and a new era is beginning. We can't cling to the past and expect to thrive in the future. We have to adapt, to evolve, to embrace new ideas and new possibilities," she said.

Riser scowled even deeper, his face contorted with anger. "You're just making excuses, Rias. You're trying to justify your actions by appealing to some vague notion of progress and modernity. But you're just a coward, a weakling who can't face the consequences of her own choices," he spat.

Rias sighed, her patience wearing thin. "I'm not a coward, Riser. I'm a leader. And as a leader, I have to make tough decisions, to take risks, to stand up for what I believe in. And what I believe in is freedom, equality, and justice for all. Including you, Riser," she said.

Riser snorted derisively. "You talk a big game, Rias. You're nothing but a puppet of the devils who control you, a pawn in their game of thrones," he sneered.



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